Chapter twenty-one

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Today, like everyday lately, I stumbled into school sullenly. I didin't try in any classes, I just sat there and stared out the window, avoiding looking at Brendon and bursting into tears. When lunch rolled around I went and hid out in the bathroom. I didn't eat, I just cried. I heard footsteps and shuffled into a stall clumsily and closed the door. "Ryan...?" a familiar voiced echoed the room. I opened the stall door a crack and saw Brendon with a sad look on his face. And then it hit me, I pulled the door open and let it slam against the inside wall. "You." I glared at him. I wiped underneath my eyes, "You were the one who told Keltie didn't you?" I hissed.  Brendon put his arms up to defend himself, "It's not like that! Let me explain Ry--" I pushed him against the wall and put my forearm across his throat and held his arms down with my other hand. "Why?" I shook my head releasing more tears from my eyes. "Why did you do it?" "It slipped out!" he protested in between gasps for air. "It slipped out when I told her I was gay!" I released him from my grip and backed up. He rubbed his neck and brushed his hair back out of his eyes. "She was trying to hook up with me after school the other day and I let it slip." I folded my arms against my chest. "And?" I said. "She asked if I had a boyfriend..." he said. I raised an eyebrow. "And I told her you." I blushed, but not letting the angry stare leave Brendon's eyes. "I'm your..." I started, "We're..." I couldn't get any words out for what I wanted to say, "Official?" I finished. Brendon chuckled, "You know, you're hot when you're mad." I blushed again. Brendon leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Does this answer your question?" and kissed me.


His lips felt warm against mine. Warm enough it felt like sparks every time he moved. I didn't reject him, I just let it happen. I was too wrapped up in the feeling he was giving me. I kissed back. He finally pulled back and smiled with his eyes shut. I pressed my lips together and felt my face go hot. He chewed his bottom lip and raised his eyebrows. That look made me want to melt.


Brendon disappeared for the rest of the day, so I had to brave it alone again. This time I felt a little better, a little more secure knowing that he didn't hate me. The last class of the day was spent by me dodging paper airplanes with death-threats inside of them, and jocks who wanted to kick my ass. By the time I left school, it was almost five-thirty. I walked home to be greeted by my dad and Brendon boxing my dads things up. "Bren?" What are you doing here?" I dropped my book bag at the foot of the stairs. "Your dad called me." he had the biggest grin on his face. "I'm moving out, Ry." my dad stopped folding a pair of beige slacks and looked up at me. "Here's the thing," I leaned on the stair railing, waiting for the 'thing'. "We all talked about it, and you have a choice. You can come live with me, I'm just moving across town, or you can stay here with your mom." I didn't even have to think about it, my mom didn't support me. I still loved her, but i couldn't be around her if she didn't like what I stood for. "You." I said. My dad looked slightly surprised. "Well the moving truck will be here tomorrow, so get your stuff together then." he told me. Brendon was already halfway upstairs. I just smiled. I ran upstairs, card board boxes in hand.

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