Part 1

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Tagged: Reece

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Tagged: Reece

Kaylinaa: My baby is leaving me today, I can feel my heart breaking. Thank you for the decade of memories that I will cherish forever. I will never forget the day we met when you knocked out my front tooth trying to impress me by doing a backflip when we were 6. Or the time you forced me to join dance classes with you when we were 7. Or the time you "borrowed" $10 from me last year and still haven't given me back. @Reece, you will forever hold a place in my heart. Have fun in London without me.

Liked by Zakii, Zavii and 1057 others | 98 comments

Reece: I'm gonna miss you too <3 but you're not getting that $10 back

kaylinaa: You better give me back my $10 @Reece

 Reece: Or what? @Kaylinaa

Username1: Are Reece and Kaylina together? 

 Kaylinaa: Ew no, I have standards @Username1

 Reece: You love me @kaylinaa

 Kaylinaa: You wish @Reece

Username2: No they are/were dance partners and best friends @Username1

Zakii: Are you sure you have to leave @Reece, why can't you stay here and get a job in Cali?

 Reece: Yeah I'm sure, sorry, just can't pass up this opportunity @Zakii 

Username3: I'm gonna miss Reece and I don't even know him like that lmao

Username4: same @Username3

Zavii: Not gonna lie I'm gonna miss you man, you're like my big bro @Reece

Reece: you're like my brother too...annoying @Zavii

Zavvi: I take back every nice thing said about you @Reece


Thanks for reading! <3

I am not sure if this is going to be a slowburn book or not. To be honest with y'all I really dont have a plan. I only have a general plot and a somewhat idea of where this is going. 

I also have no clue if this should be a Zion or Brandon Fanfic. I originally planned for it to be Brandon but now, after some intense thinking (me watching there videos), I am leaning more towards Zion.

Wattpad still wont let me centre the text ughhhhh X( 

Anywho, I'm just gonna leave you with a video of  Analisse dancing


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