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Hoseok grabbed his clothes and immediately put it on. "I will be fucking late!"

The phone rang and he ran to the table and took the phone, he answered. "Hey, Hoseok here"

"Hoseok-ah, its going to start soon! Plus you have some customer that is at least hella horny" Namjoon yelled into the phone, the music was too loud so he heard half of them.

"Mhm... i'm coming" he opened the door and shoved the phone into his bag, running out of his house.

{Time Skip Life}

He ran to the back door, opening it while heavily panting.

"I'm.." he said "here.."


"Bitch you're late! Go put on your clothes!" Namjoon said, still looking at his boyfriend who he is basically sitting on. "Get a rOoM!!" Hoseok yelled at him.

His boyfriend chuckled, "No need to get a room since you are going to do this to your boyfriend too"

"Shut up Hyung!" Hoseok said while walking to the bathroom.

On the way he saw Jungkook. "Sup man whore" Jungkook said and petted him. "Sup hoe" Hoseok simply replied, smacked Jungkook's head before going in.

He then strip the clothes off and quickly open his bag, taking the other clothes and threw it on.

Walking to the mirror to fix his hair, he heard "Welcome, welcome. Our first stripper will come soon, Jeon Jungkook"

Hoseok ran out, running to the backstage. "Jungkook where are yaaaaa?" Namjoon said as he ran a finger through his hair. "Here!" Said a running Jungkook, "So-", "No need to say anything, just go!"

-.Few Mins Later.-

The lights goes off and Jungkook walked back to the backstage.

"Saw any hot guys?" Hoseok asked teasingly, "Well...yeah" Jungkook replied, feeling the heat forming.

"Talk to him later" Hoseok said and winked.


Jungkook is who's?





Yeeeet 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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