[Fubuki/Suoh] ➳ Lost In Woods.

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Disclaimer, I haven't seen much of season 3 so if I get anything wrong, I'm sorry for that.

Words: 628 | Original: 412
Hope you enjoy!

Slowly, the blond boy opened up his eyes. He tried to sit down but fell back on the floor. His headache was awful, and so was the pain in his entire... well, really everywhere inside and outside his body.

What had just happened?

He can remember sitting in a plane with some of his friends. They were flying back to BC Sol after visiting Japan for a few weeks. Then a loud breaking noise and screaming, mostly from Aiga. But where were the others now...?

'I hope Suoh is okay...', Fubuki spoke quietly to himself. That was one of his biggest secrets. He liked Suoh. Like, in a crush way, with all of his preteen-feels-poisend heart, since they started training together.

Fubuki couldn't handle the thought that something could have happened to him, to any of his friends in general really, so he stood up as fast as he could. Which wasn't very fast. He started to ran off to find him (again not fast, more crawling then actual walking was involved).

Time in the woods passed not as quickly was Fubuki had hoped. Approximately one, maybe two hours later, he still couldn't find any of his friends, nor the sight of the possible plane crash, or really any sign of human civilization. Just trees on plants on rocks on more trees.

But Fubuki had to come to rest eventually so he placed himself against a big rock. He tried not to fall asleep but his eyelids wouldn't let him. He was just so tired, physically and mentally. His body and mind were begging for a break and he could at least give it to one of the two . It was getting dark anyway. He could only hope there were no wild animals around looking for a snack.

He woke up the next morning from the sound of someone screaming and yelling. 'Another human, thank god...' It was far away, close enough for Fubuki to hear it but not make out the words. He got up (as easy as his broken body let him) and went to look where for the direction from where the yelling kept coming from.

The first thing that make clear through the woods was smoke, then something shiny, something big and shiny. 'Please don't let me be wrong, please let it be the plane and one of them'. Fubuki tried to speed up as much as he could. It eventually led him to a small clearing that was mainly covered with moss and fallen leaves.

And on the moss sat the beautiful boy, that made Fudukis heart flutter so badly. Finally...

"SUOH! OVER HERE!", Fubuki screamed as loud as he could, making the over blader jump harshly. As soon as he spotted Fubuki, Suoh sprinted full speed into the other male, tackling both of them to the ground.

"Oh my god, Fubuki, I thought I lost you! I haven't seen you, or anyone, since the plane crashed! I thought you were dead! I thought I'd lost you all!"

Suoh couldn't help himself. He had held back his tears for a whole day and night, and now he could just lie there, on top of Fubuki while he sobbed into his chest.

After a while the two finally got of the ground and were now standing in front of the crashed plane, still hugging each other tightly. 'So the big shiny thing really had been our plane.' Or what was left of it.

"Do you think... that we'll  find the others...?" Suoh asked quietly. Fubuki though about it for a second, while he softly caressed Suoh's hair.

        "....Yeah, Suoh. We will find the others and then a way out of here. I promise you..."


Requested by @Mana_Aoi

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