Chapter 10

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I don't know what Cody was thinking but I'm pretty sure it was the same thing I was thinking. Then Cody said "we could still there uniforms." I smiled not only because it was a good idea but because it was my idea. "Let's do it then." We both charged where the voices were and we fought them and stole their uniforms and tags. We got dressed and we charged into the building. That's when I saw my mom and sister being beaten by two uniformed people. That's when Cody froze at the next door because his mom and brother were in there. I looked at him and I said you go in there act like a guard and say you got this I told Cody. I looked once more at him and I took a deep breath and I walked into the room where my mom and sister were. "All right I got this now." "Okay but tell my why we should give you them." "The master told me to take over." "Okay where do we go now." "You go and deal with the new people." Both of the guards gave me a look that could kill a mockingbird. When they both left my sister and mom came up and hugged me. "Let's get out of here." We raced out and I saw Cody waiting with his mom and brother. We raced toward each other and hugged. We heard yelling from the boss and that's when we looked at each other and we all raced out of there. When we finally got to the woods we saw the cave me and Cody were in and we raced in there. We were now safe and sound. They wouldn't go into the cave because they knew that they wouldn't go in there. 

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