kiss kiss fall in love doo doo doo doo

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Shuichi Saihara is acting weird. As in, Saihara is getting really, really touchy.

Kokichi Ouma is at a loss as to what to do. Sure, he had held Saihara's hand multiple times before the two of them were dating (Saihara remained painfully oblivious to what those attempts meant until a little while ago), but nowadays, Saihara seemed to grab Ouma's hand whenever he could.

Now, normally, Ouma wouldn't be against this but the situation was getting ridiculous enough that Saihara almost joined Ouma in the bathroom stall while holding hands.

Hell, if even Kaito fucking Momota was weirded enough to confront Saihara about it, you know there's definitely something wrong. If Momota is the voice of reason in the scene, especially to Saihara (not Ouma, wow), then there has to be something strange about Saihara. If Momota didn't hate Ouma as much as he did, Ouma would've been inclined to thank Momota for bringing Saihara (somewhat) to his senses.

Saihara became slightly more conscious about holding Ouma's hand in public and wouldn't follow Ouma into the bathroom anymore. But in private, Saihara would never let go. Never in Ouma's life had he wished he didn't have privacy, but Saihara was pushing him really really really close.

Today too, as Saihara was hanging out with Ouma in the library, Saihara had continued to toy with Ouma's left hand while Ouma was attempting (pretending, he was really observing Saihara without being obvious) to read.

Saihara fingers threaded through Ouma's, letting go and threading back in, over and over and over and over and over again. Ouma was at his wit's end, but the soft look Saihara had on made Ouma unable to pull his hand away.

And so, Ouma spent another fifteen minutes losing his mind as Saihara continued to wiggle his hand into Ouma's smaller one.

"You have soft hands for a Supreme Leader, Ouma-kun." Saihara finally broke the silence.

"Oh?" Ouma placed his boring book down. "Of course I do! I let my 10,000 members do the grunt work while I sit on my throne and bathe in the luxury!"

And Saihara, damn that man and his wonderful voice, chuckled gently in response. Cute! Beautiful! Sexy!

Saihara placed his other hand on Ouma's and began to trace the lines in Ouma's palm while his other hand held Ouma's wrist in place. Shuichi's thumb pressed against each tip of Ouma's fingers, trailing it down to Ouma's palm delicately. The ticklish movement left a tingling sensation on Ouma's hand and Ouma was pretty sure he was blushing. Saihara flipped Ouma's hand over and pressed lightly on Ouma's knuckles. Saihara moved his face down and pressed Ouma's fingers to his forehead, forcing Ouma's fingers to close. Saihara let out a pleased hum.

What the heckity hecky heck, why is Saihara so hecking adorable? And sultry?

"You seem to really love my hand, Saihara-chan!" Ouma let out his signature laugh, but it came out shakier than expected. Ouma placed a finger on his lips. "But that's not good! You gotta love all of me as well!"

Saihara hummed again.

Saihara lifted his forehead from Ouma's hand and shifted his eyes to meet Ouma's. He smiled, damn that smile, and Ouma felt himself heating up.

"Okay." Was all Saihara said before he turned his eyes back to Ouma's left hand. Ouma huffed, feeling a little offended that Saihara blatantly ignored him after acknowledging his words.

And then Saihara did the thing. He moved his face closer to Ouma's hand, and Ouma tilted his head in slight confusion before he felt soft lips on the back of his hand. Ouma almost moved his hand away in shock, but he simply jolted in place, keeping his hand in Saihara's grasp. Saihara seemed grateful for that and moved his lips away before bringing it back down again, this time kissing each of Ouma's knuckles.

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