The small begining

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It was 2 days before Halloween and my school decided to have a Halloween dance. I ,of course, dressed up like superman ,with boobs, and my friend Ruger was dressed up like a Clown. Just to let you know I am terrified of clowns. Anyway Ruger is one of my best friends and I wanted to be nowhere near him. The dance had just started and I was already board, then Ruger walked over... Right away I scream and put head into my hands, I was so close to running away but he said "I'm so sorry I forgot that you were afraid of clowns, I'll go and change now".
"Thanks Ruger." I said with joy
Ruger finally walks out of the restroom with regular cloths on, I was so happy."Is that better" hey said sarcastically.
"Duh" I say in a smart ass tone.
I was sitting with 2 of my friends, Sammi and Kara, when all of the sudden Ruger walked over to me and says "Give me your hand" and automatically Sam and Kara start to mumble "ooooooooooooooo". I hold out my hand and he helps me off of the floor. After I get up I asked " Ruger..." before I was able to finish he said "shhhh, just come with me."
I was kinda scared, but then again I think I might have a crush on him. He pulls me to the other end of the courtyard where there is a table with a card that says "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL...." I got scared "Who is that for" I said
"You"he says with confidence
He looks at me and says "Will you go or with me??"
I was so scared I didn't know what to do, then before I knew what was happening he told me "Sit down and think about it, you have time to think."
He's about to walk away but then "Ruger wait!!" I shouted
"What" he says
"Yes" I mumble

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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