My temporary home

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I look up, the rain is pouring, the city lights blurr through the window, my mother always told me that rain was the tears of angels,crying for the people in pain, the people suffering and crying, maybe they cry for me too, for people like me, who silently screamand cry in agony. rei patts my shoulder, we've landed, he smiles his bright smile, how easily he smiles is a mystery to me.he catches a taxi, the city zooms past, the lights fill the sky, it feels like something i've never felt before, belonging?  As rei opens the taxi door for me he smiles again, and he sais " Welcome home Xi.", i smile inside, just a little, because i don't want to leave this place, but i know i'll have to leave sometime, and i know, that again i'll loose something, again i'llcry, just so i don' loose another person i'll leave, and i'll never come back. That's the promise i made myself, if i love something,i leave it behind,i'll watch it from afar, protect it silently, then maybe i won't loose it. lynn gave me that  idea, now i have totest it, as sad as I may become, to cherish something is a fair price for despair. i pull ~ ~ my silver hair into a bun and tie it upas we make our way out of the taxi

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I yawn, it had been a long plane ride," good night rei! " i call out from the dark of my temporary room, i was echoed immediately with" good night xi! i'll introduce you tomorrow!", i sigh, it's been a while since i've lived in the city, and 2 years since my darling lin lost his life, i turn the blinds midway to where slits of light seep over my floor, i grabb my hand colt from my luggage and lay in the blindspot directly undr the window's ledge. i pop my sleeping pills into my mouth, i hate pills, but they chase away the nightmares thathaunt me, and that's reason enough to take the. I dose of into and out of sleep, lulled by the constant movement of lights, sudden music,car horns, gun shots, this was the ghetto, no some top-notch city like i preffered, but the ghetto isn't boring at least. i wake up at sixand take a shower, i put my rank A nightclass training outfit on ( a tank top with shorts and knee boots with leg garters,the black symbolisingmy high rank and the white contrasting to give detail.) i tie my hair into long pigtails, i begin working on meditation, moving with claervoyanceand balancing my body, i finish my morning training and rei comes in dressed head to toe in pure white, he makes a pot of coffe and sits down," you know the drill, right?" he asks me, I look up from my own cup, " of course.", he nods pausing shortly " good, be carefull where you step, whatch what color you wear and stay with me in the triad zone." i sigh " i know i know," i put on my jacket, its the same as my clother except for the face thats its reversable, one side is white with black crosses and one side is white black. i turn the way i normally wear it, the white cross shining against the reflection of the hall mirror. the sleev of my jacker are long and cuffed so they're easy ti hide things in, i also keep my sleevecolt with me, moving was easily done in my clothes and it's hard to see me at night, i go to my temporary room once more to stock on my weapons, shiruken, kunai, short katana, bladed fan, 22 chrome hand gun, swiss army knife, taze, small grade b smoke bombs, andd my fire crakers along with mymetal string, just in case im summoned or we run into trouble when i come out rei is wearing a white lab coat that reaches his ankles, complete with twinhand guns strapped on the insides, a sleeve gun, a white silver boot knife, and a fire brazer, he glances up at me with a sunny smile, " ready xi?" i nod and we climb into his white corvette.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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