Chapter 3

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Before I could even peel my eyes away from the grossness that was happening before me, a blood red Jell-O shot was shoved in my face by none other than David. The nerdiest, but sweetest guy at school.

"I don't usually condone drinking ,but you look like you need this." He says shoving the Jell-O shot even closer to my face... so I open my mouth for him and he drops it in. Before that one even reaches the bottom of my throat I ask for another and goes to get it. Leaving me to stare at the soft porn version of Threes Company. I officially can't take my eyes off them before Charisma starts walking toward me with her double d's pointing at me. They look nice. Am I jealous? Or do I want her?

"Naw, it's just the alcohol talking." I say before I realized I say it aloud and she's 10 inches from my face.

"Thanks. Yours look nice too." She says nervously.
"Look, I'm sorry about our argument earlier. You know I've been a little off lately since the incident." She continues.

I can't seem to do anything, but stare at her boobs. Am I that much of a lightweight? I giggle to myself.

"That isn't funny." She looks at me with this evil twinkle I've seen her in eye since the incident. What could one do with a look like that. Besides become suspicious.

"Look, hoerisma I don't know why you came over here, but I'm not in the mood." I snap back at her.

"I came over here to ask if you wanted to join. I saw your jaw drop to the floor and I know how much you like him." She said again with that look in her eye.

"No. I don't want to come join the hoe stroll with the three biggest hoes in this room." I retort.

"Don't be jealous. We both know being a hoe is more fun than the Mother Theresa act you've got going on. Especially when Harrison is involved." The twinkle.

Ugh. Here we go again. I roll my eyes and stand up and am met with an orange Jell-O shot to the boobs. David. This boy could make a monk scream. But all I could do was look up at him with sympathetic eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Devin. I really didn't mean to do that. Here take my jacket?!" He said beginning to take it off of himself.

I smile. "No, it's fine." I say stifling in the scream as I remember I'm wearing the kind of shirt that goes thin when wet- transparent when wet. And then I notice about 65 pairs of eyes on me. You're only invisible until the tits come out I guess.

I sigh and walk away to the bathroom. I go in and lock the bathroom door. I begin to look for a towel when I notice him, sprawled on the red cup littered bathroom floor. Who drinks in the bathroom. The guy I used to talk to who's name I have forgotten- which is odd because he definitely isn't forgettable stands at 6'4, has long locks, a very tidy beard, and some of the best shaped lips I've ever seen in my life. But he's also 24 and out of college... I think.

"So we meet again

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"So we meet again." He starts.

"Uh, yeah. But why are you even here?" I ask.

"That Harrison kid invited me. I thought you'd be happy to see me." He smiled that sexy smile.

"Uh-well. Yeah." He laughs at me before I can get more words out to not make myself look like an idiot.

"Pfft. Whatever. Can you leave please. This is the bathroom." He looked annoyed.

"Why? You don't have anything I haven't seen before. I've seen it all. Including your.... everything." He says biting his lip and eyeing my wet t-shirt. Damn. I don't even know what to say so I just stay silent for awhile until he finally gets up off the floor. But instead of walking towards the door he walks to me.

"Look, I'm only seventeen and that's the reason we stopped talking in the first place. Remember?" I say feeling my cheeks get hot, along with other body parts. Thankfully it stopped him in his tracks.

"Yeah. I remember your legs almost suffocating me and knocking my earring out my ear." He says chuckling.

My cheeks get even hotter.

He continues. "You know, I never knew that black girls could even blush until I met you. It's nice to know I can still do that." He said while looking me up and down simultaneously licking his lips.

I roll my eyes and finally open my mouth. "Get the fuck out whatever your name is!"

He laughs and says "Oh. You can call me daddy, Devin. Daddy to you, but it's Q to everyone else."

"Leave!" I say getting bold, but feeling scared all at the same time.

He throws his hands up and unlocks and walks out the door and I rush to lock it. Then I hear him from the other side of the door say "I'll be seeing you later, Devin." And for some reason it gives me chills.

I find a towel and start to clean the orange liqueur off of my body before I become too sticky.

Knock, knock!

"Someone is in here!" I scream frustrated that this towel is leaving lint all over my shirt. For rich people, they sure do have cheap ass towels.

"I know. It's me. I just want to apologize again. I brought you a shirt-

"Hey! Thanks!" I say opening the door and snatching the shirt from David's hands. He comes in and offers me a yellow jello shot. What the hell. I think while shrugging my shoulders and I take it from him and gulp it down like the lush, I didn't know I was. I notice that it tastes different than the one I had earlier. But I still go into the private toilet area and put on the shirt I was given. I come out and start to feel a little nauseous so I go over to the sink. Before I can even say "help" I'm on the floor holding my stomach and seeing triple of everything. What the fuck.

I call for David, but look up to see Q standing over me.

"David!" I manage to groan out while my stomach churns even more.

"Told you I'd see you again, Devin." He says before the room goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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