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To Aksel's disgust, Hjalmar and Elin started to hungrily kiss and had been doing so for a while now. He was about to tell them to get a room, when the couple decided on their own that it was high time they left.

As Elin rose up from the chair, she started rummaging through her pockets. She then took out a pair of keys and handed them to Ianthe, instructing: "Whenever you feel like going home, these are the keys to my appartment. I don't think we'll see each other until tomorrow morning. Also, be home by 9 'cause you've got stuff to pack. Otherwise you'll miss the train."

"Got it. Thanks.", Ianthe answered and put the keys in her purse.

Hjalmar took Elin's hand and, after saying 'good bye' to the people from the table, the couple made their way to the exit of the pub. Before finally disappearing, they returned for one more minute and asked the remaining people to inform Tabor and Xandria about their departure.

Kaarle grinned in amusement at the entire scene. He was pretty certain that neither his date, nor her junkie friend would be returning to their home. Since the girls seemed to be very close to each other, he and Tabor would probably have to decide at whose place they were going to crash.

Speaking of Tabor and Xandria, they completely ditched their table for the bar counter. Of course they'd had more than one shot and a beer each and it was a nuisance to commute between the table and the bar each time they'd want another drink. So there they were, sitting on two of the stools in front of the counter and laughing about everything and nothing.

Tabor had to admit to himself that he was a bit surprised to have found such a fun drinking buddy in a girl. Those usually refused alcohol or drank very little in order not to embarrass themselves. This one was either very confident about her alcohol tolerance or couldn't care less if she was going to make a fool out of herself in front of him. Eitherway, he grew to like her. Hell, he was even thinking of asking her for her phone number when she'd leave!

Xandria started to enjoy Tabor's company more and more too, after she'd warmed up to him. He was a bit too talkative and energetic for her liking, but she could deal with it.

He's gotta be fun at parties, she randomly thought.

Their laughing was intrerupted by Aksel, who came up to them and announced: "Hey, we're about to leave. Wanna come with us or are you planning on drinking your asses off until the buttcrack of dawn?"

"Already?", Tabor whined.

"You can stay if you want, I don't really care. Just thought I should let you know."

The two drinking buddies exchanged looks, asking each other wether to stay some more or join the rest. Xandria shrugged, meaning she was fine with whatever.

"We're coming too.", Tabor eventually replied, "Just let us finish the beers."

Aksel nodded, "I'll go tell the others to wait for you."

He returned to the table. Tabor then pointed to the half full beer botthe with his eyes, asking if Xandria agreed to gulp them down. The girl nodded and took her bottle. They wished each other 'cheers' for the last time that night and downed what was left of their beers.

Some minutes later, the two cousins and the remains of Obnoxious found themselves in front of the bar, deciding to wich one of the boys they were going to move the party.

"I don't really feel like hanging out anymore, to be honest.", Aksel admitted, "So don't count me in."

"Alright.", Kaarle replied, "See you at the next rehearsal, I guess?"

"Sure.", he gave the group a small wave and walked away.

Kaarle then turned to the rest of the group and offered, "How about we crash at mine's? Since I live the closest to this pub."

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