5 Weeks Later: Crazy Surprise

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Night of Champions

WWE DIvas Title: Stephanie Skye vs AJ Lee

AJ manages to hit Stephanie with the shining wizard as she goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Both divas are groggy from a long fought match. AJ grabs Stephanie by the hair to get her to her feet but she counters by pushing her back and delivers a high kick to her head to knock her down.

Stephanie grabs AJ to lift her to finish her with a Sunset Flip but AJ counters with the Black Widow submission hold. Stephanie falls to her knees as fights the urge to tap out by clenching her fist. After a long agonizing minute in the submission hold Stephanie manages to maneuver her way out of the Black Widow followed by a suplex. Both competitors manages to get to their feet to face each other when Stephanie makes the first and final move by super kicking AJ. She goes for the cover and gets the pin to retain the Divas Championship.

"Here is your winner and still Divas Champion...Stephanie Skye."

Suddenly Seth Rollins' music begins to play as Mr. Money in the Bank comes walking down the ring with a wide grin on his face. He gets in the ring where Stephanie is leaning against the ropes still recovering from being in the Black Widow for so long.

Seth takes a mic before approaching Stephanie who manages to get to her feet with her title in hand.

"What's the matter, Steph?" He says, "That was a great match you just had there. You won just like I've already won in my match against Roman Reigns tonight beause if anybody hasn't already heard, he was rushed to a hospital for emergency surgery earlier today, which I think is still no excuse for not showing up."

The WWE Universe begin to chant, "You sold out."

"All former members of the Shield have fallen," he points at Stephanie, "except you. You're gonna end up just like Roman and your boyfriend Dean Ambrose because just like them, you are worthless."

Stephanie shakes her head in disgust of Seth's remarks towards her family and slaps him across the face. Seth looks at the ground as he chuckles and drops the mic and his briefcase. He turns his head towards Stephanie as he backs her in the corner.

He grabs the back of her head by the hair and pulls her towards the center of the ring when suddenly the titantron changes to the entrance of the arena. It shows a taxi cab pulling up into the arena. The door swings open and out came the Lunatic Fringe Dean Ambrose in a heat of rage as he makes his way towards the ring. His music hits as he speed walks down the ramp and stop in front of the ring where Seth still has Stephanie by the hair.

"Get your hands off my girl!" He shouts before entering the ring and tackling down Seth.

He throws a series of punches to Seth until he manages to push Dean away. Dean clotheslines Seth over the top rope and onto the floor. He follows Seth as he tosses him over the barricade where he continues to attack Rollins through the crowd. The fighting makes its way towards the ring until Triple H and Stephanie McMahon bring security come out. Dean attempts to hit Seth with a steel chair until he's taken down by the security and handcuffed.

The security drag Dean out of the ring and carry him out of the arena. Stephanie follows behind to be close to Dean since she wasn't expecting him to come and save her from whatever Seth Rollins had in mind to end her like he did with Roman and Dean Ambrose, so he thought.

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