Chapter 1

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(This "Part" will last up to 5 chapters (hopefully), thats all, and I do my own suggestions sometimes)

Will be in Jonghyun's point of view

I woke up that Friday morning. Dreading the fact that have to go to school in an hour or so, but at least it's almost weekend right? I sigh and grab my phone, scrolling through Twitter, and Instagram, trying to entertain myself.

I get up, and walk to my bathroom. I go on my Spotify, and play a random playlist. I started getting prepared for a shower. I make sure the water is hot, you know for practice for when I arrive in hell (too soon).

I get finished, and started getting dressed. I ate a very little breakfast, but at least it's something right? I brush my teeth, and I grab my bag.

I head out, and waited for my childhood friends. Kibum, Minho, Jinki, and Taemin. Minho, Kibum, and I are the same age, me being the oldest compared to the two though. Jinki is the eldest of the group, he already graduated high school, and is in his 2nd year of college. Taemin is the youngest, but he skipped a grade, and is in advanced classes. Did I mention that he's an amazing ass dancer? I'm two years older than him, so technically he's 15, and I'm 17.

He's kind of cute, but that's what everyone says about him. Ever since childhood he's became, and still is becoming, more beautiful. Everyone in the friend group knows about me having a little crush on Taemin. But they didn't know what my sexual orientation is.

I, Jonghyun Kim, or Kim Jonghyun, would like to confess that I am indeed 100% bisexual. But I will lean towards the men side of the spectrum. Although, in Korea it is banned to have same sex marriage or anything relating to the lgbtq+ community, so I plan on moving to the US.

As I was thinking, I was already in my first hour class. I sighed in relief when I saw Kibum. I only have 2 classes with Kibum, 4 classes with Taemin, and another 2 classes with Minho. I was honestly blessed to have this schedule, because we all have the same lunch.

"Hey Kibum," I say as I walk over to him.

"Hey Jonghyun, did you sleep good? And did you take your anti-depressants?" Kibum looked over at me, worriedly.

"Yes, Key, I did. And I did take my anti-depressants," I say calmly.

"Okay, and you better not even think, and contemplate overdosing. Or I swear on everything I will bring you back to life, and kill you myself," Kibum says with a stern look on his face.

"Okay Mom," I say jokingly.

"I'm being for real though, I didn't take you to rehab for no reason."

"I know Kibum, but you gotta understand that a person can't easily get over temptations, and I'm sorry for attempting suicide as well. But I thank you for saving me," I say as I look down, and sigh sadly. I still had those thoughts, telling me that I couldn't even kill myself right, so I should do it again, but in many other ways. This is probably another reason to see a therapist soon.

"Anything to help a friend. Plus I know you love Taemin, so I wanted you to stay for him, and us of course," Kibum smiles softly, and pats my back.

"Ah, stop teasing me about liking Taemin, it's not my fault I'm not heterosexual," I shrugged, and playfully slap Key's arm. "Also, sorry for calling you Kibum, I forgot about your nickname."

"You're fine, I know I don't prefer it, but it was just a rookie mistake. And true, I'm surprised that the school actually accepts you, other than the fuck boy jocks. But let's not talk about them, they're irrelevant anyways," Key says, and ruffles my hair slightly.

~Time skip to lunch uwu~

I sigh, as I put my bag on my seat, and went up to get lunch.

"Eating today Jonghyun?" Taemin asks.

"Well if they have something I like, but overall I probably won't," I say as I look at the menu. I sigh, and go back to my seat, and mumbled, "Guess I'm not eating today."

I saw Taemin frown slightly. But he knew not to offer me food, because I'm usually not that hungry anyways.

"Where's the others? And why aren't you getting food?" I asked, looking at Taemin, trying to avoid staring at him.

"Minho and Key have a, "test," that they are doing, and I ate a lot of breakfast, still I am pretty full of it too," Taemin frowns, and pouts slightly.

I laugh silently, and get a notification on my phone.

From Key:
"You're welcome by the way."

To Key:
"For? Just to leave me alone with Taemin?"

From Key:
"Yes actually, and to do a test with Minho."

To Key:
"What's the test anyways?"

From Key:
"NOTHING! Okay bye Jonghyun, confess to thy Taemin, thank you sir."

To Key:
"Why would I? He hasn't confirmed his sexuality, and I don't know if he likes me like I like him..."

From Key:
"Stop overreacting and overthinking you pabo! He will undeniably say yes to your confession anyways."

Remembering Kim Jonghyun.. (And somewhat Sulli)Where stories live. Discover now