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After lunch, I went to find Rosé but I couldn't find her, instead I found a group of people crowding in one spot, I decided to check it out. Tears started forming in my eyes when I saw what was happening...

Rosé was......



Rosé was kissing this boy, people started to "ooooooo" but all I could do was stand there frozen and cry. After a few seconds, Rosé finally noticed me, she looked so uncomfortable and sad. I started to run away then hearing the voice of an angel shout "Y/N noooooo".

I didn't care, I just ran off to where ever I could trying to hide away to cry my eyes out. I finally stopped at the girl's bathroom and I went into a stall to continue my crying...

(Rosé P.O.V)


I was walking through the halls when I bumped into no one other than JUNGKOOK. He was my ex boyfriend, we broke up because he didn't love me, he only wanted to date me so he can brag about it to the whole school to become popular. He and his gang/band BTS are exactly the same as Jungkook but not as bad, I'm actually friends with some of them too.

Jungkook blocked my way by putting his big fat arm against the lockers so I couldn't go anywhere, I tried to punch him in the stomach but he was too strong. People started crowding around us, I wanted to kill him at that moment. "What the hell Jungkook?" I exclaimed, "heh" Jungkook said with a smirk on his face. "Don't heh me, what the hell are you doing?" I shouted in his face causing more people to surround us, "nothing, just causing some drama" he said, I wanted to fucking punch him to the face. Then all of the sudden, HE KISSED ME. People started shouting and screaming their lungs out. He held my waist so tight in his grip that I couldn't even move at all.

Then that's when I realised Y/N was standing there the WHOLE TIME! I wanted to cry and tell her that it's not what it looks like, but right when I wriggled out of Jungkook's grip I shouted "Y/N noooooo", FUCK.

When I finished my sentence Y/N was no where to be seen.
I ran as fast as I could to find Isabella and ask her where I could find Y/N...


(Jungkook P.O.V)

"What the hell man, you guys broke up!?" Yoongi exclaimed, "why do you care" I hissed at him annoyed, "because Rosé is actually a nice person and you just have to break her!" Yoongi shouted, "yeah Jungkook why did you do that" Namjoon said annoyed with the younger one. "So what, I can do whatever I want" I said like I was the boss, "It's not right Jungkook, you should apologise to her for making such a scene" Jimin said in a calm tone, "yeah I agree" Taeyoung said while nodding. "UGHH fine! But only for you guys" I said while rolling my eyes.

(Rosé P.O.V)

I finally reached Isabella, she looked at me with a worried look, I started to explain everything as quickly as humanly can. She understood and we started to go find Y/N. Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa saw us running like we're in the Olympics or something and followed us to go find Y/N.

I walked past the girls bathroom hearing crying noises coming from one of the stalls. Isabella whispered to me saying that she thinks it's Y/N, I gulped and started to walk closer to the stall, "Y/N?" I said with a worried face, then the crying stopped. The stall door opened and I saw a crying mess in front of me, I started to cry, "I'm so sorry Y/N it's not what it looks like" I said with tears in my eyes. "It's ok Rosé" Y/N said with a forgiving face, I ran up to her and started hugging her...


(Isabella P.O.V)

"I think we should leave them alone" I whispered to the 3 girls, "yeah I agree let's go" Jisoo said. We slowly crept out of the girls bathroom leaving the 2 crying messes in the bathroom by themselves.

(Y/N P.O.V)

"Rosé" i said, "yes?" Rosé said with confusion, "I love you" I said with a soft voice. "I love you too".

Then I felt Rosie's hand on my face, lifting it then kissing me. I immediately kissed back, who wouldn't? I don't care if anyone saw us, as long as I was with my angel I don't care.

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! Remember to vote for me :) see you in the next chapter 💘

God is a Woman ( Rosé X Fem Reader Y/N ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now