Part One

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The rain met my pink-dyed hair, mixing to make my mane a damp pink mess on my head. I look around for a place to sit down so I can relax for just a second. Relaxing is something I haven't had the chance to do in what feels like forever. Luckily for me, there are tons of apartment complexes lining the sidewalk which I'm standing on. I make my way over to the closest apartment and take a seat on the short, concrete staircase —that is if something so small can even be considered a staircases.

My phone buzzes from my jacket's pocket. I pull it out to see that I received a message from tonight's chauffeur, my friend since birth, a fellow Japanese girl, Myoui Mina.

Mina: How's it going, Lovebird ;)

My head drops down at the sudden touchy question. There was this person that I was supposed to meet tonight. She's stunning and talented, her dancing is unparalleled. Her smile is sweet and her jokes never fail to be  funny. Sometimes she can be a little weird or slow but it only adds to her charm. I did find out her singular flaw tonight, though. The only thing this beautiful human being lacks is reliability. Her name is Hirai Momo, like Mina and I, she's from Japan.

I really looked forward to seeing her tonight. Like really REALLY looked forward to seeing her. We talked constantly for three weeks now thanks to this mutual friend that we have, Momo's sister. I know her sister online only, so I never got the chance to see her or Momo. And now that I finally had the chance to meet Momo, Im stuck in the rain without her and I've been stuck here for an hour now.

I pull out my phone to reply to my friend.

Me: Not well. She stood me up :(((

Mina: omg u ok? I'm so sorry, Sana! Ill come pick u ok? Where r u?

I look around to get a bearing of my surroundings to direct Mina. I see a little park across the way with fountains decorated in animal statues.

Me: I'm across from some park with animal statue water fountains..?

Mina: Is that an answer or a question 😋

Me:...Just drive Mina...just drive

Mina: lololol I'll be there soon, hang on

Me: k, see ya

I put my phone back in my leather jacket's lowest pocket. Then I just sat there, waiting for the rain to stop. Waiting for my friend to show up. Waiting for the day that my heart isn't crushed by some stupid player.

My gaze was fixed on the concrete sidewalk below me. The rain turned the tan-brown sidewalk into a dark brown that reflected all it saw. I could see my face in the puddle created on the sidewalk. My cold expression struck fear in my very own heart. I'm just bored... Boooooorrrrreeeeeddddd. And lowkey sad.

The rain began to fall harder. The light taps on my head turned to small, yet hard, punches. This is lovely. Just lovely.

A sudden boom and flash of light was heard and seen. I jumped at the sight and sound. Even though right now I look all tuff and cool, I'm really scared of lightning and thunder. I jump and hide like a dog when I hear it. What can I say? I'm a bit of a softie. No, I'm a total softie.

Another crack of thunder and string of lightning was released. I flinched as I pulled my knees to my chest. It felt safer that way. I could feel my body shake. The people passing by would turn to look at me in my fetal position and scared state. I avoided their gaze out of embarrassment.

One of the sets of footsteps became louder. They walked towards me. They're probably just trying to go inside their house. I'll avoid their eyes as always.

"Hello?" A soft voice called out from beside me.

I looked to my right to see a girl in a bedazzled jean jacket looking at me. Her hair was an ashy looked soft. She had a magenta and apricot colored umbrella which she placed over me, allowing herself to get wet. Her lips curved into a smile as her outfit and hair became wet.

A Dark And Stormy Night//Saida OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now