Ch.1 Training and a Musical!

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*Uraraka POV*

     I always had an admiration for Bakugou even though he's a huge asshole. He is super powerful with his explosion quirk and he fought greatly at the sports festival. I always found him staring at me in class though. Of course the only reason I would catch him is cause I'd go to look at him.. If he had a soft side and wasn't always rude to everybody he would have all the girls after him honestly. He is honestly really cute but like I said mega jerk. "Uraraka are you gonna stop staring and pay attention?" Aizawa-sensei asked me. "Oh uh yes sorry I spaced out.." I said returning to my work. The bell for lunch rang and everyone headed out. "Hey Uraraka ready to go?" Deku asked me smiling brightly. "Oh I have something to do so I wont be at lunch today!" I said smiling. "Oh okay cya after then?" Deku asked and I nodded as him and Iida headed out. I got my things and went to the bathroom. I changed into the UA gym uniform. I went into the back training area and began stretching. After that I started using my quirk on rocks and other objects to help see if I can last longer. Lunch would last awhile so I knew I'd have a decent amount of time to train.

*Bakugou POV*

       I decided to follow floaty to wherever she was going which led me to watching her train. I didn't understand why she wouldn't go eat at lunch. "Shouldn't you be eating?" I asked looking at her. She mumbled release and let go of the large rocks she had floating. "Why does it concern you?" She asked with some sass in her tone. "We have gym next period and your training. Your gonna be exhausted and throw up or something." I said coldly. I did genuinly care because if I have to train with her I don't want to fight her in horrible state. "I don't care. I don't need to eat anyways I'll be fine." She said putting her hands on her hips. "Well I packed so I'm watching." I said sitting on a bench and pulling out my lunchbox. She just shrugged and went back to training. I debated on throwing an explosion at her feet and making her eat the other half of my sandwhich but I wasn't gonna push it today. I checked the time on my watch then peeked over to floaty. She was carrying like fifteen rocks and you could tell it pained her. "Hey round face we got to go bell rings in five minutes." I said packing my stuff up. She released the rocks but then I saw her reach down for something. She put it in her pocket and tied her shoe. It was probably her dorm key or something stupid like that. The bell rang and everyone scurried into there next class or the locker room for gym.

*Uraraka POV* 

        I walked straight into gym and other then Iida I was the first one in. "Why do you look so messy Uraraka?" Iida asked doing some exagerated hand motions. "Oh I was doing some training on my own!" I said smiling. "Thats unhealthy of you not to eat!" Iida said sternly. "Oh it was just for today no worries Iida! I'm perfectly fine I promise!" I reassured him. Everyone started filing in the gym and I went over to Mina and Momo. "Hey Uraraka what happened to you?" Momo asked. "I did some training during lunch is all!" I said smiling and they just nodded. Present Mic came in and we were all confused. All Might usually taught gym so we all looked at him confused. "HELLO STUDENTSSSS!" Present Mic yelled booming as always. A couple students let out an unenthusiastic hello.  "All Might is out sick do to his previous encounter with the league of villains so instead of gym we will be doing a school play or musical!" He said and all the girls including me perked up in excitement. I may not seem like it but I'm a sucker for musicals and plays! I always loved Hamilton and the Heathers especially! "You guys can decide between musical or school play!" Present Mic said. "I VOTE ON MUSICAL!" I yelled. "Woah okay chill Uraraka. I'm down though!" Mina said. After awhile of convincing the boys we got them to agree on doing the musical Heathers. Present Mic decided parts will be chosen after we each sing a part from the musical. It was my turn last and I decided on singing part of candy store. I stood up and prepped myself, "I like looking hot buying stuff they cannot, I like drinking hard maxing dads credit card, I like skipping gym scaring her screwing him!" I started singing and continued the whole song. Everyone starred at me in shock. I did go with my more powerful voice so it was no surprise, but I guess I never expressed this sassy side of me towards my friends. I finished and everyone started clapping. I felt accomplished when Present Mic said, "Okay Uraraka is definitely gonna be the red heather!" I smiled brightly and went to talk to Momo and Mina. 'This will be awesome' I thought.

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