Chapter Nine - Climax

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After the first round of the tournament concluded, Starling got to the arena to face off against Dove. Starling had observed Dove's fighting style carefully. She knew the best way to beat her was with range. 

Present Mic: CLASH!

Immediately, Dove activated her Bone Claw Quirk and charged at Starling. She fired several energy blasts at Dove, but Dove was able to dodge her attacks and land a cut on Starling's face. As Dove rushed passed her, Starling saw and opportunity and shot the ground in front of Dove. The blast pushed Dove out of bounds, scoring Starling the win.


Dove: I.....I lost......

As Dove punched the ground, Starling walked up to her and offered her hand.

Starling: You did well Dove. 

Dove took her hand and was helped up. They returned to the stands as the Sports Festival moved on with the next match. Tamaki and Triton readied themselves for the battle. 

Triton: Ready? Don't go easy on me now!

Tamaki simply nodded as he ate some octopus from his pouch. As the match started, he activated his Manifest Quirk as Triton formed a trident and threw it at Tamaki. He simply rolls out of the way and wrapped his tentacles around Triton's feet and trips him. Tamaki then attempts to throw him out of bounds, but Triton fired a blast of water at Tamaki's face, forcing him to let go. 

Triton: Using attributes of a sea creature against me? Not bad! 

Triton then secretes water from his feet and begins sliding around the arena. Tamaki then wraps Triton in his tentacles. Triton lets out a hearty laugh.

Triton: Hahaha! Is that the best you got?! All I need to do is use my Water Quirk to loosen your grip and I'll......

But before Triton could finish his sentence, Tamaki began applying pressure to Triton. As Tamaki squeezes Triton, Triton attempts to use his Water Quirk to get out, but was unable to. He tried to tough it out, but the pressure began to be too much for Triton.

Triton: I FORFEIT! 


As Present Mic made that announcement, Tamaki released his grip on Triton. Triton began catching his breath as he slowly got up.

Triton: Not gonna lie....that was pretty clever! If I kept my eyes open, maybe I might've been able to see through it! Aw was a good match nonetheless!

Tamaki had advanced to the next round, knowing that his next next opponent would be Starling. But that was for the next round. Mirio's fight against Harrier was up next. Harrier had studied Mirio's Quirk and formulated a plan.

Harrier: (My Phoenix Quirk should be able to keep him at bay.) May our fight be honorable, Mirio Togata.

Mirio: Right back at you!

As the match began, Harrier used his Phoenix Quirk to launch a barrage of fire attacks on Mirio in an attempt to overwhelm Mirio. When the smoke clears, Mirio is nowhere to be seen with the exception of his discarded clothes. 

Harrier: Now's my chance! 

Harrier then uses his Phoenix Quirk to create a ring of fire around him. He rolls out of the way just as Mirio launches himself from the ground. 

Mirio: Man! Nobody's ever done that before! Good on you Harrier!

Harrier: I got you now!

Harrier then threw a fire attack at Mirio, but Mirio uses Permeation to phase through the attack. Mirio then ran for his clothes and put his pants on.

Mirio: Could you give me a minute? 

Harrier's honor prevented him from attacking Mirio. The others were puzzled by this.

Starling: Harrier's not attacking? Why's that?

Carver: Harrier's got a strict code of honor. I always tell him that it's gonna bite him down the road.

Nejire: That's a bad way to look at it!

Carver: Will a villain give anyone an opportunity at a fair fight?

Tamaki: He's got a point Nejire......

Once Mirio got his pants back on, Mirio charged at him. Mirio sets up for a punch.

Harrier: (You've left yourself open!)

But as Harrier prepared a counterattack, Mirio's fist phased through Harrier's face. Mirio then lands a devastating punch to the gut, knocking Harrier down. 


Starling and Nejire began to cheer for Mirio. Carver took note of this. The final match of round two ended in a draw. Both fighters were unable advance to the next round, making the last fight a triple threat. Meanwhile, Count Ulric meets with Repton in the hideout of the Raptor Gang. 

Repton: Count Ulric as I live and breathe! I was wonderering when you would show up!

Count Ulric: Is the job done Repton? Has Wren been taking care or?

Repton: Wren fought a good fight, but he won't be bothering the Cyclonian Syndicate any more. 

Count Ulric lets out a small smirk as he was pleased at Repton's success. He then pulls presents a briefcase to Repton. Repton smiles at the contents of the briefcase.

Count Ulric: I trust this is satisfactory?

Repton: Very. A pleasure doing business with you, as always!

Count Ulric: We shall keep in touch. Till next time Repton. 

Count Ulric then exited the hideout of the Raptor Gang. As Repton looks at the money earned from killing Wren, Repton smiles to himself. He relishes the future fights that the Cyclonian Syndicate would offer. Back in the Sports Festival, Starling, Tamaki and Mirio mentally prepared themselves for their fight. 

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