Secret's out

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Third pov

Hiccup and toothless were sleeping in when toothless decided to show his human form so when he did hiccup woke up and screamed waking them booth up and toothless fall on his one leg and said 'hey... hiccup ... I have explaining to do ' then after explaining they found the gang in the arena when tuffnut asked ' um where's toothless?' Then hiccup said ' your looking at him' then the two explained that the dragons can do that then everyone saw thier dragons were gone then toothless said ' ah they must be getting some clothes ' then saw a red haired man wearing snoutlot's clothes then snoutlot asked 'hookfang ?' Then hookfang said that's me name don't wear it out' then hiccup and toothless went out and walked to the cove when toothless said 'hiccup I need to tell you something ' then pulled hiccup to him and said ' well as you know I'm the last nightfury and also unmated. Dragons will sometimes turn so we can find a mate and make sure our bloodline goes on' then hiccup said ' but I'm a male ' then toothless said ' it doesn't matter if you have a dragon mating mark you can bare children. The mark dose not hurt at all if your having a little fun' then he winked

Hiccup turned bright red and asked 'why me?' Then toothless said ' your perfect to me ' then toothless shoved his lips to hiccup and they stopped making hiccup blushed and toothless said ' see perfect ' then hiccup asked ' ready to have some fun?' Then toothless grinned and pulled to the ground bringing hiccup with him making the boy yelp of excitement and hiccup said 'messy hair dragon I love you'

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