Chapter Three - Love Interests

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As I walk into the room, I scan the table to see where I should sit. There is only one option I see, which was probably planned by Jenji or Piper. I sit down next to Laura, and we wait for Jenji and Piper to come in. Laura started a conversation right away leaving no awkward silence.

"So Schilling, what do I need to know about you?".

I was so nervous that I would say the wrong thing or embarass myself, I took a short pause pretending to think, and responded "I started acting when I was young, by participating in my Middle and High School's plays. My life was pretty boring until I got my first big production. What about you?"

She answeres right away, as if she is asked this everday. "Grew up in NJ, have some siblings, and my big hit was That 70's show. My child life was pretty boring as well. I got into a little modeling, but its not really my thing."

To see if I have a chance with her, I ask, "Do you have an interest in anyone at the moment?" Im the most nervous I've ever been in a while.

This time she is hesitating to answer my question. She replies about 15 seconds later, "There is this one girl, but I dont know if she is into girls."

Scared out of my mind, I ask her, "Who is it? Maybe I know if she is gay."

She smiles and replies, "Yeah you will know if she's gay actually."

I dont know any gay people besides Laura, but I am acting as if I know every gay person. I ask, "Oh really? Whats her name?"

Just about ready to burst, she tells me, "Taylor Schilling. Do you know if she's gay?"

Boom. I explode, well in my head I do, I stay calm on the outside, trying not to give away any answers.

Right as I open my mouth to respond, Jenji and Piper walk in. Time to start the meeting

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