Part Eighteen: Life is Strange (Epilogue)

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Six months later and everything was relatively back to normal. The craziness at the group home was covered up -just as Richter had predicted. Lycos, the lady that ran it, was brought up on charges. She did not contest it. Pleading guilty to all counts.

The Falkes' eventually adopted Miles Hall. Who officially became a Falkes two days ago. They had let him decide if he wanted to keep the name Hall or not, he had opted for Falkes.

He was a quiet boy. Not like the boy that had been so outgoing before it all began. But he was opening up more and more.

Partridge was forced to retire after his gunshot. It was about time, many said.

Detective Parks was expected to make a near 100% recovery.  He had to relearn to move his left arm and leg, but was doing surprisingly well considering. His mental faculties seemed to be all there. He was optimistic he'd get to stay in Robbery-Homicide. And why not? Six months later and he was still the town's hero.

Richter and Dr Coranada moved in together and it seemed to be going well.

As for Falkes himself, he found sudden fatherhood taxing, tiring, perplexing and exasperating. He loved every minute of it.

Life had gone through an upheaval in Tiacapan, but had weathered it as well as can be expected.

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