Rock Witchu

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As Dezzy was driving home we talked about Nick.

"Can I ask a question?" Dezzy asked
"You're gonna ask anyway soo" I said smartly
"What's going on with you and Nick?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. I don't know if he's nice to me because that's who he is, or because I'm a fan" I said disheartened
"Or because he likes you" Dezzy said like it was the most obvious thing.
"I don't think so, I mean that'd be a dream but I'm sure he's talking to someone or something"
"Sure" Dezzy said not believing me.

We finally got to my house and Dezzy dropped me off. My mom and step dad were in the living room watching some movie. I went and sat between them being squeezed considering they were cuddled up.

"You're too big for this child" my mom complained
"Ma, stop fat shaming meeee" I whined

My step dad laughed at us and kissed my temple. My mom was in a really toxic marriage before Dan came into her life. My birth father "Charles" was emotionally abusive towards my mother and I. But the twins were his prized possessions. My mom had enough and divorced him, moving us when I was 14. Where she met Dan, who is a cop, he handled the restraining order my mom put against my birth father, and they fell in love. He treats her like a queen and he cares for the twins and I like his own. He makes my family happy and that's all I care about, especially with me going away for college soon. We get along well enough that I call him dad, usually pops because he thinks it makes him sound more hip. Whatever the hell that means.

"Yeah Diane, stop fat shaming her!"
"Yeah what he said" Pops and I high fived each other
"I hate you both" my mom said.
"Can I ask you guys something?"
"No you can't get a new car" my mom answered
"This has nothing to do-"
"Or a bigger tv" pops cut me off
"I don't even watch tv, look i just"
"Yes you still have to babysit tomorrow" mom said
"Go ahead" they said in unison
"Do you think it's possible for Nick to actually like me?" I asked unsure
"Aww baby, of course it's possible, you are my child after all" My mom said stroking my hair
"You irritate me sometime you know that? Mom seriously"
"Baby, yes I think its possible. You're beautiful and you have a very pure heart."
"You are also very caring and smart. Any guy would be lucky to be with you." Pops added.
"Thanks guys" I said still not convinced.

I left them and went to my room, plugging my phone in the charger I got dressed in black joggers and my sports bra, I put my hair in a bun as I got ready for bed. My phone started vibrating and I saw it was Nick trying to FaceTime me. I answered but laid in my bed with the lights off. He popped with a huge smile on his face.

"Why the hell is it so dark?"
"I'm going to bed..."I said quietly
"You okay?" Nick asked
"Yeah I'm fine just tired,"
"I don't believe that, what's wrong? "
"Seriously Nick, I'm fine."
"Every time a girl says she's fine she's really not, and I'm afraid that if I believe you, you're gonna get mad at me. So again, what's wrong mamas?"
"That, look idk maybe I'm reading too much into this but sometimes it seems like you like me or something and I don't want to start catching feelings if this is just you being nice and because of the whole prom thing." I said in one breath
He started chuckling a bit before answering "Well Dannie, you are definitely not reading too much into it. I mean I like to think I'm nice, but I do like you. I don't know, things with you are just different."
"You do?!" I whisper yelled
"Yeah I do, like a lot" He mimicked me, that smile never leaving his face.
"Why not? I mean you're beautiful but besides that you're genuine, and honest, you're confident and you've got a great personality. And you're beautiful"
He started laughing like my pain was so hilarious. Fucking men.

"Anyway, well good to know im not bugging" I said redirecting the subject.

Nick continued laughing, which caused a smile to creep onto my face. HOLY SHIT NICHOLAS CARTER MARA JUST SAID HE LIKED ME. I'm convinced he's trying to off me. I mean that's fine as long as he does it. Nick and I fell asleep while on the phone but the whole time we talked I just couldn't get the fact that Nick just said he liked me out of my head.

The next day which was Saturday, was pretty uneventful, I had to babysit the twins and Nick was too busy being in a band to pay attention to me. I was on the couch and posted on Instagram

therealthickmara just posted a picture

therealthickmara just posted a picture

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"mood bc I miss him🥺"

tagged: @therealnickmara
11,266 LIKES//3,586 COMMENTS

user1 fat ass mood😣
therealthickmara confirm what👀 @user2
user3 can you tell Nick to come out of the basement and post please🤧
therealthickmara im tryinggg it's no signal in the basement🤦🏽‍♀️ @user3
therealnickmara 4 days mamas🥰
therealthickmara hurry tf up im getting impatient🥵@therealnickmara
user4 MAMAS!!! can y'all stop playing and confirm please?

I laughed at my comment section, I have no idea what Nick and I are, we both like each other buttttt THATS ALL. My phone buzzed from the post notifications telling me that Nick posted a picture

 My phone buzzed from the post notifications telling me that Nick posted a picture

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"woah, uh didn't see you there😏"

256,744 LIKES//13,679 COMMENTS

user1 woah daddy🥺
user2 I love you❤️
therealthickmara that jacket now belongs to me🤠thanks for breaking it in
therealnickmara @therealthickmara all yours❤️
user4 We just gonna act like they ain't flirting?
user5 She's like a child Nick, don't need another zion x malu moment🥊

I decided to go off Instagram seeing that Nick had texted me

Nick❤️🥺- goodmorning ma🥰's most definitely 9 at night🥴
Nick❤️🥺-ANYWAY, wydd?
Me-pretending to watch my siblings even though their 11 and perfectly capable of watching themselves🤖wby
Nick❤️🥺-😂😂go play with them, and just got off stage
Me-i tried playing with them but they kicked me out saying I was too old😩 and how was the show??
Nick❤️🥺-😭😭damn idk what to tell you then😣and it was great!! I cannot wait to see you again. New York needa hurry up👺
Me-that's greatt🤗and ikkk I want my jacket😎
Nick❤️🥺-i gotchu, pretty sure it won't fit you buh it's all yours✊🏽
Me-Nicholas Carter Mara, why on God's green earth is that hand black??
Nick❤️🥺-My hands are all different colors, we don't discriminate around here💪🏼✊🏽🤟🏿🤞🏻
Me-aight😭I GOTTA QUESTION!!! is Edwin around?
Nick❤️🥺-Is that your question👀
Me-No buh is he?
Nick❤️🥺-yeah he's here, wassuppp?
Me-So I wanna dye my hair, what color should I do it?
Nick❤️🥺-Edwin said pink, I think your hair is a pretty color now😎
Me-this is why I asked edwin too bc you're basic🤮
Nick❤️🥺-😴ain't have to come for me like that.

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