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The gods had come to 'fraternize', as Athena put it, with their children.

Apollo hung out in the infirmary, Artemis with her Hunters. Zeus talked with Jason and Thalia, Poseidon hung out with Percy and Tyson. Athena with her cabin, Ares with his, Hepheasteus in Bunker 9, Hermes in the camp store, the list goes on. Some of the minor gods and goddesses were also in attendance.

Suddenly, Apollo ran through the camp, yelling about truth or dare. The others quickly agreed. Apollo was in his 12 year old form, he was bullied into it by his twin.

~Sitting in a circle~

Percy went first. "Athena, truth or dare?" He had this devilish smirk on his face, and Annabeth looked kinda worried.

Athena tossed her head and scoffed. "Dare. You don't scare me, Sea Spawn."

Percy grinned mischievously. Too late, Athena remembered that Percy was cutthroat in the party game.

He thought for a second, then cleared his throat. "Athena. I dare you to say one nice thing about my dad."

A look of horror crossed her face as the requirement set in. The circle was silent, still processing the dare. As they realized, some gasped, some giggled, and some got out the popcorn, this was gonna be epic.

Athena shook her head vehemently. "Absolutely no way in hell am I saying anything nice to that stupid Fish-Face."

Poseidon put a hand over his chest in mock hurt. "That hurts, Theeny. Right here." He tapped the spot where his heart was, dramatically depicting tears rolling down his face.

A few camper giggled, then we're silenced under Athena's glare.

She looked defeated. "Is there anything else I could do?"

Annabeth shook her head, and when Athena realized that her own daughter wanted this to happen, she looked betrayed. She clenched her jaw, then glared at Poseidon, who looked incredibly smug.

"Your palace has nice architecture." She spoke in a strained voice, like every word pained her.

Poseidon gasped in mock delight, proclaiming loudly that he was honored.

As the night wore on, everyone had fun, until it was Leo's turn.

"Apollo, truth or dare?"

He considered. "Truth, I already did a dare."

It was true. Apollo kissed Hermes, then both depicted dramatic dying scenes.

Leo nodded. "What's the best prank you've ever done?"

Hermes scoffed. "Apollo doesn't prank, he's too lame."

Apollo shook his head, a tiny smile on his face. "My haikus." He answered quietly.

Leo pulled a confused face. "Hold on a minute Music Man. What?"

By this time a full blown smirk was apparent.

He laughed. "The haikus I do, they're absolutely terrible. I did a few a couple of decades ago, to annoy Hermes, and I got the best reaction, so I just continued." He paused thoughtfully. "I'm gonna stop soon though, it hurts."

Annabeth narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean, 'it hurts'"?

The sun god stared blankly at her. "I'm the god of poetry, do you think I can't tell when a poem's bad? All those poems are so bad, it physically hurts. I have to keep from dying, every single time."

The circle was shooketh. Percy voiced his opinion. "My life is a lie. Next thing you know, he's gonna be saying eclipses are just Apollo and Artemis hugging."

Everyone chuckled, but the twins were deathly quiet. The circle fell silent.

"Milady?" Thalia looked suspicious. "... Is it?"

Artemis sent her twin a pleading look. Apollo looked around the woods.

"Oh look, a Pineapple Dinosaur. I'm gonna go check it out." He quickly ran off, leaving mass confusion behind.

Artemis ran after him. "Wait I'll help you!!" She called desperately.

They ran through the woods, the shouts of confused and shook campers a melody in their ears.

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