Chapter One: Peekaboo!

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The video footage hissed and crackled with after-effects static before it focused on the mossy front steps of the factory's entrance. A scattering of windblown autumn leaves clung to the corners of the steps.

"Yerp!" A fluffy canine hopped into frame. He wore a black sweatshirt and dark jeans. "What is up, Exporers? So we're back at this know the one-" Josh blushed and looked away from the camera.

A clip from last year's video was shown; glowing ghosts Marvin and Peeka force-feeding the bound explorer until his belly had looked fit to burst.

The video clip faded away to Josh standing in front of the factory. He smiled sheepishly. "Yeah...we're back."

Two more canines joined Josh in the frame; Nova and Nickel, who had been with Josh on the previous visit.

"I'm here with Nova and Nickel, you already know, their channels are linked in the description below. They actually convinced me to come out here cuz you know there's been some - yo, what, activity from the two ghosts or something?" Josh looked to Nova for clarification.

"Yeah," Nova picked up. "A few weeks ago, some workers apparently came in to do some demolition work here and since then there's been a lot of-"

A loud bang echoed behind them, causing all three canines to jump and turned around as a figure appeared in one of the windows.

"Who's that?!" Josh asked.

The figure, a darkened silhouette in the setting sun, stood still in the window for a moment before it moved away. It had tall, pointed ears.

"Maybe it's that one green ghost, Peeka!" Nickel called out.

Josh blushed and nodded.

"We'd better go in!" Nova called, stooping down to pick up his gear. "Josh, don't forget your respirator! It'll prevent the ghosts from force-feeding you!"

"Oh right I almost forgot!" Josh grabbed his purple gas mask and fitted it over his muzzle. Then, he grabbed his camera and followed his friends inside through the basement entrance. The three friends trudged upstairs to the first floor, where they could hear footsteps.

The trio swept their flashlights across the dusty floors and peeling walls, looking for any sign of the ghosts.

"Man this is creepy, it feels like we're being watched..." Josh admitted.

"That's because you are."

Everyone spun around, expecting to see one of the ghosts. But it was a living calico cat who stepped out of the shadows, green eye shine flashing in the light of their flashlights. She wore a black skirt and a rather revealing crop top.

"Whoa! Yo I totally thought you were one of the ghosts! We didn't know anyone else was in here-"

"Sorry if I scared you!" The cat giggled. "I'm Selina. What're you guys; ghost hunters?" Curiosity lifted the feline's voice. 

"You could call us that!" Nova answered.

"Cool! Can I join you? I'm looking for the ghosts too."

The canines looked at each other and shrugged. 

"Sure! There has been a lot of activity around here lately, we figured Martin and Peeka were angry about the demo work." Nova continued.

Selina nodded. "Makes sense, it's been noisy around here."

"Well, I think we'd better split up now that there's an even number of us. I can go with Nickel! One group can cover the ground floor while the other goes upstairs."

Night of the Living Fed II (one year later...)Where stories live. Discover now