Chapter 17 Watch Your Back

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*Pic of Mel's outfit in the MM.*
Mel's Pov

"Mommy." Says Julissa

"Yes baby?"

"You come home?" Asks Julissa

"Me and daddy will be back soon.


"Okay." Says Julissa

"I love you jelly bean."

"Luv you too." Says Julissa in her baby voice.

"Hand Lena the phone."

I hear moving around in the
background. Then Lena gets on.

"Hey girl." Says Lena

"How is she?"

"She hasn't slept at all this week. All she does is cry for you and Johnny." Says Lena

"I feel so bad for leaving her. I knew I should have stayed home."

"You shouldn't. You deserve a break. She'll be fine. If you keep babying her like this she will never want you to leave." Says Lena

"I guess."

"So how is Hawaii?" Asks Lena

"It's so peaceful and relaxing here. Well for the most part. You won't believe who I ran into."

"Who?" Asks Lena

"Kimbella and Marques."

"Wait they were together?" Asks Lena

"That's what I said. It looked like it to me. I was so freaked out. I keep watching my back. Thinking there out to get me."

"I wouldn't stress it too much. Don't let them see you sweat. Your there to have fun remember?" Says Lena

"I know I just can't help myself."
"Well you need to. You know Johnny won't let anything happen to you. He worships the ground you walk on." Says Lena laughing

"True. I don't know why I'm driving myself crazy. I need to just calm down."
"Exactly. See you get it. I'ma talk to you later. I have to go feed Julissa before she has a fit." Says Lena

"Kiss her for me."

"I will. Later love." Says Lena

"Bye boo."

I hang up the phone and throw it on the bed.

I hear the door open and Johnny walks in.

"Look whose decided to wake
up." Says Johnny

"Where were you?"

"I had to go handle something." Says Johnny

"Can we get some breakfast? I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry. Do you want room service or to eat out?" Asks Johnny

"Can we go out to eat?"

"Yeah that's fine." Says Johnny
"I'm going to get dressed."

I climb out of bed and dig through my suitcases.

I decide to wear my new Black Monica dress and some flats.

I grab my clothes and a pair of underclothes.

I walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

*30 minutes

Later I'm dressed and ready to go.
"You ready?" Asks Johnny

"Yes we can go."

He opens the door and I follow after him.

When we get down to the lobby we eat at the restaurant in the hotel.

"Bae I have to tell you something?" Asks Johnny

"What is it?"

"We got invited to a Lou." Says Johnny taking a bit of his bacon.

"By who?"

"A friend." Says Johnny

"You know people here?"

"Yeah I've been here a few times. It was always for business purposes. I never really had time to enjoy myself. I told my boy we were here celebrating my birthday. That's when we asked us to come through. I thought it would be fun so I said yes." Says Johnny

"I can't wait to try some of the Hawaiian food."

"Me too. I hear it's really good." Says Johnny

"I hope so."
******* Later on that night

"Babe where in the world did you get that?" Asks Johnny

I'm wearing a grass skirt and a coconut bra. I just had to get me one.

"I asked one of the girls who greeted us when we first arrived here."

"I don't know about letting you go out in that." Says Johnny

"You don't like it?"

"I love it. I just don't want everyone staring at you." Says Johnny

"Let's go already."

I drag Johnny out the door.

Kimbella's Pov

"You sure this gonna work?"

"Yes man. How many times I have to tell you I got everything covered. Are you in or nah?" Asks Marques

"Hell yeah I'm in. I want my baby back. That bitch waltzed her way in and took my man. I was so close to him forgiving me. Then she had to go and be with him."

"Look ma you ain't gotta tell me. I feel the same way. I want Melanie back and you want your boy back. After tonight we will both get our wish." Says Marques

"We better. I'm tired of seeing them all happy."

"Just relax. If you keep stressing this shit will fall a part. I've worked to hard for this. I got a lot riding on this." Says Marques

"I'm sorry I'll get it together."

"Yeah that's what I like to hear. Now let's go to this Luau. I know for a fact that Melanie and Johnny will be there." Says Marques

"Time to put this little plan in action." 😏

By the time we finish Mel what know what hit her. Stupid bitch!

This chapter is short. The next chapter will be full of drama. This is just the calm before the storm. 😜

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