The Best or Worse first day back to school

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I woke up very early and I saw Gold woke up very early as well, wow we were both early, since it was our first day back for the third term, me and Gold decided to change our outfit for the third term for our first day and I picked this outfit.

ⓋI woke up very early and I saw Gold woke up very early as well, wow we were both early, since it was our first day back for the third term, me and Gold decided to change our outfit for the third term for our first day and I picked this outfit

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I think it is my new favourite outfit, it is very cool and blue! I also for got my hat, wait, what time is it? Hmmmm, Gold must be dressed up, eh, I might go on Gold's room to check her out.

"Hey Gold are you ready?" I asked, "Yeah!" She said, "How do you like my outfit?" When I saw her wearing a black shirt with a gold heart, with a skirt along a white and gold belt and a cute bear shoes.

"Hey Gold are you ready?" I asked, "Yeah!" She said, "How do you like my outfit?" When I saw her wearing a black shirt with a gold heart, with a skirt along a white and gold belt and a cute bear shoes

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Oh! I also forgot, she was also wearing a gold and dark gold socks on and a heart hair clip on it. "I think it's great!" I said, "I bet Kyran will like it~" Gold started to blush, "We're just friends Funneh!!!" "Yeah sure~" I smirked. "S-Shut up!" She yelled at me. "K, are you ready for school?" I asked, "Yeah" Gold said. Well I feel excited today and I really want something new for the school.

Well it's time now... as we got out from our dorms and walk around to the school, and I saw Alec and Kyran, "Hey guys." I said, as I saw them wearing their new outfits, "Nice outfits" Gold says, then I whisper to Gold "Especially Kyran~" Then Gold blushed again, "And Alec." She whispered and sass at me at the same time, "E-Ey shut up." I blushed like a tomato, "Are you two ok?" Alec asked. "It's nothing!" I mumbled. "Ok?" Alec said, looking confused. We went to the main school room, which was the hall, "Oh by the way guys, I have a new roommate." Alec said, "Really who?" I asked, "A guy named, uh, Draco?" He said, me and Gold gasped, Draco coming to our school? Wait, what if it is a different Draco? "Alec, what's it's last name?" Gold asked. "Hmmmm, La, it's La." He said, "OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!" me and Gold shouted in excitement. "You know him?" Alec asked, "Yeah, he's Gold's brother." I said, "Yeah his my brother." Gold said. I feel so obvious already, even if Draco is my brother, I'd pretend to be his best friend.

"Hey Funneh." I heard a voice behind, when I turned, I saw a girl, she was wearing a light purple and a hot purple skirt and purplish-gray shoes, the girl also looked familiar because she had a aqua hair and purple eyes with a tint of gray and a moon crown.

" I heard a voice behind, when I turned, I saw a girl, she was wearing a light purple and a hot purple skirt and purplish-gray shoes, the girl also looked familiar because she had a aqua hair and purple eyes with a tint of gray and a moon crown

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"Lunar?" I said, "Lunar???" Alec and Kyran said in a unison with confusion. "Yeah it's me, Miss me?" Lunar asked, me and Gold started running towards her, "OF COURSE WE DO!!!" Gold and I said, "I miss you too." She said. As the boys walk towards us and tapped us over. "Um can you guys tell us who's this girl?" Kyran asked, "Oh! Alec and Kyran this is Lunar Lunar this is Alec and Kyran." I explained. "Your boyfriends?" Lunar asked, all four of us blushed. "Hehe, Just kidding." Lunar said, "Hey wanna come with us?" I asked, " yeah sure" she said.

I am so happy that Lunar is here! Wait if she's here, doesn't it mean Rainbow and Draco are here? Alec did mention that Draco is his roommate. I think Rainbow is here, I don't know. I just missed the Krew, anyways we went to the hall, Then Alec tapped Funneh, "Hey, is Lunar also Gold's sister or best friends?" He asked. "Lunar is my sister." She said, "Yeah Lunar is my bestie." I said, then We saw Evan with his new outfit, "Hey guys!" He said, "Hey Evan!" Funneh said, "Oh! Btw Evan, this is Lunar, she is new to this school and she is my sister." She explained.

Wait... isn't this guy my roommate? Although he looks cool and cu- wait, what am I saying!? I just met him, but his cool and cute, "Oh, hi Lunar, Wait, aren't you my roommate?" He asked, "Wait you two are roommates!?" Gold and Funneh shouted in unison, "Yeah, his is." I said, "Oooooh! Evan! You should teach Lunar to play instrument, she likes playing instruments, but she sucks at it." Gold explains, "Gold!" I yelled at her, "Yeah sure." He said, well that was unexpected, I do suck at instruments but not all of them, hmph.

Then I saw, Draco and Rainbow, I saw them talking, to each other, but I kept walking along with Funneh and her friends, "Hey since there is still time, wanna go for a PSL?" Gold asked, "Sure!" Funneh agreed. "What about you guys?" Gold asked. "Yeah sure." Kyran said, "Sure" Alec said, "Anything is fine" Evan said, "How about you Lunar?" "Cool beans" I said, trying to act cool, Wow really Lunar, acting cool? Well it sounded cool in my mind anyways.


We were at the minebucks PSL, and it is so crowded in here, I just lost Funneh, Gold, Alec and Kyran, but I'm with Evan, "Hey Lunar! Have you seen Funneh and the others?" Evan asked, "I thought you were behind them." I said, "Well, they ran off and when I look behind them, they were gone." He explained. "Then let's find them." I said, as I hold his hands,

She was holding my hands.... I blushed a bit... ok fine, maybe a lot, and I was thinking of what Gold recommended to me. "Evan look!" Lunar said, as she found the others, "There you guys are!" Funneh shouted. "We've been looking for you two!" Gold said, "Lunar, come with me, Kyran and Alec!" Gold said, as she excitedly pull Lunar's arm to the menu desk, while they left me and Funneh.

"You And Lunar, huh?" Funneh smirked, "W-What!?" I stuttered. "I saw you blushing when she hold your hand." She said, that made me blush as a tomato, "Haha very "FUNNEH" hahaha..." I laughed sarcastically.

I was just walking around, with Draco, "Draco, have you seen Lunar?" I asked, "No, I thought she was with you." He said, well I mean she could possibly be around here or wondering around, "Anyways Rainbow, Who's your roommate?" Draco asked, "I'm roommates with this girl named, Evelyn." I said. "Well I'm roommates with this guy named Alec." Draco said, "I'm going to go explore around the school" I said, as I walked around, I bumped into someone, "Oof!" I rubbed my head, and I heard a voice, "I'm sorry! That was clumsy of me! Here let me help you!" The voice said. As I reached my hands to the guy's hand.

"That was plebby of me, sorry" I said, "It's alright." He said, I stand and I noticed a girl was staring at us, but I didn't bother her, "Are you new?" The guy said, "Yeah and I'm just exploring the school, since we still have time."
I said, "Ok." He said, "Before you go..." "Huh?" I turned to him, "What's your name?" He asked, "Rainbow." I smiled, "Yours?" "Kai, but everyone calls me Senpai." He said, "What do you want me to call you?" I asked, "Kai, call me Kai." He said, "Ok." I said, as we moved on, then I felt a presence behind me, it must be that girl, who was staring at us.

When we had our PSL, Funneh's sister, Lunar, looks familiar to me, she looked like the girl in the photo when Yandere killed a girl, shoot, what if she knows a Yandere? What if she remembers her? You know what, I shouldn't be worried.

And that's it for now, the next on will come soon, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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