Chapter 4

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*Next Morning* 5 am

Corbyn's POV

I had woken up early before Zach like I normal to workout. I had finished my workout and was now in the shower, Zach was sound asleep. I started to wash my hair when I heard the bathroom door open. "Daddy, daddy, daddy," Zach was mumbling under his breath as I heard him rustling around. After a minute or so a small leg appeared in front of me and then came in a naked Zach. "Daddy," He shrieked hugging my legs and looking up at me.

"Morning, beautiful," I said lifting him up to my hip and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"I wove you," Zach said as I kissed his forehead.

"I love you too," I said putting Zach down so I could wash my body and he clung onto my legs. I squatted down to his level once I finished washing myself and washed him. I turned the water off and dried myself before getting dressed, I took Zach out of the shower drying him off. Once I finished I hung his towel up and Zach ran out of my room naked.

"Papa," He screamed as I walked behind him as he stood at the stairs. Daniel came towards Zach and picked him up once he was close enough to him. "Wun, wun fwom daddy," Zach said as Daniel carried him downstairs trying to run from me for some reason. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs Daniel set Zach down and he ran off again still naked.

"Why is he running?" Daniel asked as I followed the way Zach ran to.

"I don't know."

3rd Person

Zach ran into Daniel's room and hide under his covers. "Hmm, I wonder where my princess is," Corbyn said walking into Daniel's room seeing Zach under Daniel's covers. "Is he here?" He said opening Daniel's closet hearing giggles coming from Daniel's bed. "I hear him, is he here," Corbyn said as he pulled the covers off of Zach causing Zach to burst out in giggles.

"Daddy," Zach squealed as Corbyn started to tickle him, Zach burst into giggles as Corbyn tickled him.

"I love you, baby," Corbyn said as he pecked Zach's lips before picking him up from Daniel's bed.

"I lowe you mowe," Zach said laying his head on Corbyn's shoulder as he carried him into the kitchen.

"Daddy had to go to work today, you will stay with papa and Jack," Corbyn told Zach as he put Zach in his highchair.

"Come wif daddy."

"You can't baby, I'm sorry," Corbyn said kissing Zach's forehead. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Nofung," Zach said crossing his arms and pouting.

"How about yogurt and fruit?" Corbyn asked ignoring his baby's pouting face even though it killed him too.

"NOOOOO," Zach yelled banging his fists against the tray of his high chair.

"No yelling Zach," Corbyn said strictly as he made Zach a bowl of yogurt and putting strawberries in the yogurt.

"NOO," Zach yelled throwing the yogurt immediately once Corbyn put it on his tray.

"Zachary Dean Besson," Corbyn yelled at Zach picking him up and putting him in the corner. Corbyn cleaned up the yogurt that Zach threw everywhere and the broken pieces of the bowl.

"Daddy," Zach yelled from the corner wanting Corbyn to come to comfort him. "Daddy, Zachy is sowwy, pwease," Zach cried standing in his spot in the corner, he sat down and buried his head into his knees. Zach slipped into a one-year-old headspace and just cried in the corner.

"Stand up," Corbyn said squatting down in front of Zach once his 5 minutes where up. He put his fingers under Zach's head making Zach look at him. "You know better than to throw food, don't you," Zach looked at Corbyn with his big brown eyes, Zach nodded not knowing how to talk from his baby headspace. Corbyn wrapped his arms around Zach and picked him up, kissing his forehead. "Do you want baba?" Zach nodded burying his head into Corbyn's neck, he went into the kitchen and made Zach a bottle.

Corbyn handed Zach his bottle and he started to drink his bottle. Corbyn went into the living room where Daniel was sitting on the couch. Corbyn laid Zach across Daniel's lap as he drank his bottle. "Daddy had to go to work, you're staying with papa," Zach immediately grabbed onto Corbyn's shirt and dropping his bottle, Corbyn tried to stand up but Zach continued to cling onto him. "You can't come baby girl, I will bring ice cream home if you're good for papa," Corbyn said picking up Zach's bottle and giving it to Zach trying to calm down his crying baby. "Bye baby," He said kissing Zach's forehead pulling his hands off his shirt. He left but Zach chased him to the door just to realize he was to slow and the door was shut.

"NO DADDY," Zach cried trying to open the door but Daniel held it closed.

"He'll be back later princess, I promise," Daniel said trying to pick Zach up but he squirmed out of Daniel's grip. Zach sat by the door his knees curled into his chest as he cried for his daddy.

5 hours later

Zach had sat by the door all day waiting for his daddy to come through the door. He cried all day, not Jack or Daniel could get him to move not for food, or anything. "Daddy," Zach said popping up as the door opened but it was just Jonah, so Zach curled back into his ball on the ground.

"I'm not daddy but he will be here soon, he is getting you a surprise," Jonah said hanging his coat on the coat rack.

"Fow Zachy."

"Yes, now let's get you feed so when daddy comes home you can open your surprise," Jonah said picking him up off the ground and putting Zach on his hip. Zach laid his head on Jonah's shoulder as Jonah carried him into the kitchen.

"He let you take him," Daniel said surprised when Jonah walked into the kitchen with Zach. "Jack couldn't even get him to leave his spot," He said as Jonah sat down and put Zach on his lap.

"Daddy gets Zachy surprise," Zach told Daniel excitedly as he bounced on Jonah's lap.

"Would you like dinner?" Daniel said questioning as he put a plate of Chicken and Rice in front of Zach.

Zach's POV

I grabbed my fork and ate some of my cut up Chicken well uncle Jo played on his phone. I forked a piece of chicken and put it to his mouth. "No thank..." I shove the piece of Chicken in his mouth cutting off his sentence, I took my fork out of his mouth.

"Welcome," I said as I saw daddy behind uncle Jo by the door, he put his finger to his mouth and pointed to me. I copied his actions putting my finger to my mouth before turning back around. WAIT. DADDY. "DADDY," I yelled excitedly jumping off of Uncle Jo's lap and running over to Daddy dropping my fork as I ran into his arms.

"Hey, princess, why are you naked?" He asked picking me up and I cuddled into him my head on his shoulder.

"He sat by the door and cried all day, he really missed you. Jo came home and walked into the kitchen with him somehow he worked his magic." Papa said.

"Pumpkin, you can't do that, daddy has to work every day," Daddy said scolding me but I ignored him and buried my head in his shoulder. "Zach, are you listening?" He said in his mean voice making me nodded, I saw a girl behind Daddy. I gave her a mean look as she tapped Daddy's shoulder.

"Is this Zach?" She said putting her hand on my back.

"Yes, this is Zach and Zach this is my girlfriend Christina." Daddy said putting me down but I wanted him to hold me but I'm mad. I thought he loved me. He let me play with Arnold. He gave me a big boy kiss. I frowned putting my head down as I held back tears. I slowly moved back over to Uncle Jo and climbed onto his lap burying my head into his chest.

"No good surprise," I said crying silently into Uncle Jo's chest as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Zachary, that isn't nice," Daddy said in his mean voice again making me jump and whimper. My heart broke, I thought he loved me.

"Jack, bring your food upstairs and grabs Zach's please," Uncle Jo said standing upholding me in his arms, I was eventually set down on their bed once we got upstairs.  Jack already under the covers and eating his dinner. "Sit with Jack and eat your dinner, I'm going to shower," Uncle Jo said unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off. I moved next to Jack and grabbed my plate putting it on my lap.

"I can't believe he did this, he leads me on and showed up with his girlfriend. We made out and I sucked his fucken dick." I said ranting to Jack as Jonah took a shower.

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