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Harry's P.O.V.

I had just straighten up my room a little for my new room mate when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Zayn leaning in the door way.

“What are you doing here man." I say after I let him in and he closed the door.

“Damn, no manners you could at least say hello to your best mate, first."

“Hello, now what the fuck are you doing here." I say a sarcastic tone.

“Just seeing what you were up to. I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat maybe even a drink later if you're not too busy." He said sitting on the vacant bed soon to be occupied by my roommate.

“I would but I need to meet my new roommate so I wanna get to know the guy first."

“How do you know your getting a knew one? Who told you?" he questioned.

“Well the girl that runs the dorm room information department, Jasmin I think her name is, told me."

“There not suppose to give that kinds stuff out so why did she tell you Harry?" he said raising his brows. He knew damn well what I had done to get the information from her. He just wanted me to say.

“Ok fine yeah I fucked her, I admit it. Are you happy now?"

“Isn't she like 29?"

“Yeah so?"

“Dude she's like 9½ years older then you, yeah she looks younger but, what the hell?"

“You act like I fucking asked her to marry me. It was just sex. I needed information so I used my God given talents to get what I needed."

“You have issues,” he paused shaking his head at me, “So you got what you wanted."

“Yeah and she's a rather good shag too." I replied smirk at him.

“I so did not need to hear that. So what did you find out?"

“Well she said that I'm getting so guy named Bobby I think. I was really hoping to get the room to myself this year but I guess I'm bias you could say. Since the last guy was a dick and then he dropped out I've never had a good roommate. So I going to behave today and get the guy to like me so this next year can be good.”

“Well let's hope this guy is better." He said standing up and heading towards the door.

“Yeah man thanks." I said as he was walking out of the door.

Once I have picked up all my dirty clothes off the floor I just sit and relax on my bed waiting for who ever my new room mate is. I'm really hoping he's not an asshole like the last guy. It would have been better to not have one at all. But whatever I get in stuck with so I better make the most of it if I have to.

I'm broken from my thoughts by the vibration of my phone. I grab it off of my nightstand and unlock it. Seeing the text from Jasmin I'm tempted to ignore it but something inside me tells me to read it.

From Jasmin: Your new roommates girlfriend or sister or something just came in for the dorm number so they should be heading over now.

I respond to the text simply.

To Jasmin: Ok thanks love.

If that girl that came in was his girlfriend then this guy might not be a complete tool. I think to myself. Then I sit my phone back down and wait. Wait for someone to show up.

Act 1 Scene 1: Punk HarryWhere stories live. Discover now