Chapter 17

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of yelling i opened my eyes and got dressed then left my room to see what all the yelling is about. I went down to the kitchen to see masky and toby yelling at each other " what is going on?" they stopped arguing and looked at me "this annoying son of a bitch just stole my last piece of cheesecake" masky screamed angrily while pointing at toby "w-w-well h-h-he th-r-rew aw-a-ay my las-st bo-x o-o-of waf-f-ffles" toby yelled as he stared at masky i sighed and shook my head "you both act like children" they both screamed at me "we do not act like children" i rolled my eyes "whatever" i said as i started to walk out the door "w-w-where do y-o-ou th-th-think yo-u-u a-a-are go-o-oing?" toby asked with his arms crossed "to get you little cry babies some more food" i said as i shut the door and went shopping.

As i was shopping i saw an amazing (W/C) shop so i quickly got the cheesecake and the box of waffles and had a quick look around. I then saw a nice sharp (W/C) it was like it was calling my name because i was so zoned out that i saw myself back at the mansion with the (W/C) in my hand i smiled to myself as i walked into the kitchen to put the food away. "Oi, shit heads i got your food" i screamed at masky and toby i heard 2 sets of footsteps running down the steps thats them masky smiled at me and said "thank you (Y/N), you're the best" and pat my back while toby on the other hand tackled me to the ground and hugged me to death and repeatedly said "t-t-thank y-y-ou, tha-ank yo-o-ou, Tha-a-ank y-y-you" he then quickly ran up to his waffles and started to eat them i giggled at them "you're both welcome you little babies" i said as they stared at me then back at each other and nodded while smirking well shit.

I bolted it to my room but failed and toby grabbed me and started to tickle me "n-no st-t-top pl-e-ease"i said as laughter stopped me through my sentence he shook his head and leaned close to my ear and whispered "make me" as he continued to tickle me i then screamed out for ben and he teleported nest to me i just to scream "h-h-help m-me" but my laughter was taking over as tears started to go down my face.

Ben P.O.V

I watched as (Y/N) was being tickled to death by toby and i felt a bit no a lot of jealousy i would rather it be me sitting on top of her and tickle her knowing it was me making her happy and no one else "alright toby that's enough" i said he looked at me and frowned a bit but chuckled "i-it w-was j-just get-t-ting g-g-good" he said as he started to walk back down stairs "you ok?" i asked holding out my hand for her she nodded and took my hand and pulled her up "you have a a lot of tears" i said as i wiped them all away she started to blush a tiny hue of red cute.

I smiled at her as i kissed her cheek and she started to blush a brighter red than before "i'm gonna head out for a bit but i'll see ya later~" i asked as i started to walk back to my room but before she was out of my eyesight i winked at her and she was blushing an even brighter red if possible i chuckled at her reaction as i made it to my room and went through my TV time for some killing.

(Y/N) P.O.V

When ben was out of my field of vision i smiled he doesn't know what he does to me i let out a sigh well time to get ready for a killing spree yay. I got dressed in my all black clothes cause why not? i went downstairs to see hoodie and masky eating cheesecake while jeff, E.J, sally and jane were watching TV "where are you going?" sally asked me i smiled at her "out for a kill i'll be back" she got up and hugged me "be careful, zalgo might get you" i hugged her back and bent down to her height. "What do you mean by that sally?" i asked she frowned "i had another nightmare that zalgo will get you, please be super super duper duper careful and come back" i smiled at her and patted her head "of course i'll be back" i waved bye to sally as i entered the woods.

I twirled around my new (W/C) that i bought today and went sprinting in the woods to a small street and started at the first house i was closes too then the house next door and so on till i killed the whole street. I was now covered in blood and some blood was in my hair as i killed i grabbed their kidneys for jack cause i'm the best friend that there ever is. I started to walk back to the mansion and while i was halfway there i felt a presence near me so every so often i would look around to see nobody but that changed when i heard the sound of a twig snapping i didn't stop to look around i started to run for the mansion and the thing was following me.

I picked up the pace as the mansion came into my field of vision i smiled but that soon changed into a frown as the thing tackled me and bit my leg. i looked at the thing to realise it was the rake i quickly punched it in the face till it let go and when it did i got up and ran back to the mansion full speed. Once i got into the mansion i slammed the door shut everyone was looking me all sweaty and out of breath "what happened to your leg?" jeff asked while pointing the leg the rake bite "the rake bite me" as i said that jack and sally came into the living room to see my leg all bloody "what happened to you?" sally asked full of worry i smiled "don't worry i'll be fine" jack nodded "come on let's get you patched up" i nodded "can i come too?" sally asked as she held her teddy tightly to her chest i smiled and nodded she then quickly ran up to me and held my hand.

After jack was done patching me up sally looked at me with sorrow and worry "doesn't that hurt?" i shook my head "i'm like toby i can't feel any pain whatsoever" she smiled and nodded "that's good cause i don't like to see you in pain" i smiled and pat her head "same here sally" i stood up off jacks bed and started to walk out the door with sally "thanks jack and here" i said as i handed him a full bag of kidneys he smiled and wiped a fake tear "you are an angel straight out of hell" i giggled "thank you jack goodnight" "night" he said as he shut the door behind us.

"Can i sleep with you tonight?" i looked at sally and nodded her eyes lit up as she smiled back "thank you sissy" i smiled even wider as i hugged her. We both had a shower and got dressed in our pj's and then went under the covers to sleep but not before a little story.

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