Meeting My Future

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I was walking down the corridor. It's the Royal Rumble, aka my debut in WWE. I was having trouble find the locker room when I stumbled into someone. "Oh I'm sorry miss." I said as I was face to a beautiful girl with fiery orange hair.

"It's ok. Wait do I know you?"

"Most likely not, I am Thomas Payne. I'm debuting tonight."

"Well hello Thomas, I am Becky Lynch."

"Nice to meet you." We then shook hands as I asked her. "Do you know where the locker room is?"

"Oh yeah it's right down there and too the left."

"Thank you so much, I'll see you soon." I walked to the locker room and got a scope of the area.

"Well hello stranger." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw it was Finn Balor, my old travel partner while i was in NJPW

"Damn it's been too long. Say, aren't you the WWE Champion?"

"Yeah but not after tonight."


"I'm losing it to Samoa Joe tonight."

"Oh damn ok. Is there a reason why?"

"I wait you don't know?!?!"

"Don't know what?"

"I'm not telling you so it's a surprise."

"Well ok. You wanna catch up?"

"Hell yeah!"

Me and Finn talked for what felt like hours. It was like we just away from each other for what felt like minutes. It was great seeing him but I had to get ready for the Rumble. I got on my gear and waited at gorilla. There I saw someone that I've always wanted to meet, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. I walked up and said, "Hello there Mr. Austin."

"Boy why the hell are you being so proper with me? You don't have to talk like that."

"Sorry uh, well Steve you're an inspiration of mine and one of my favorites. You're one of the bests."

"Well thanks kid, I love meeting fans."

I saw that it was my que to enter. "I gotta go." I could hear the fans out in the arena. They were the loudest I've ever heard.....

I took a deep breathe, and then walked out there. When my music hit, some fans knew me, some didn't. But the ones that knew, man were they loud. I walked down that ramp and into that ring and started to attack everyone.

*Time Skip to #30*

It's been a good, 30-40 minutes in the Rumble. There's only 5 people in the ring before #30, Kevin Owens, John Cena, Drew McIntyre, and Cedric Alexander. The countdown started.


The whole crowd went ballistic. CM Punk has returned! "Holy shit!" And it wasn't fake either, he ran down to the ring and stared down John Cena until he bombarded him with punches and then a roundhouse kick. Kevin was next to get the onslaught of Punk. And then Kofi, then Drew, and last, me. We stared at each other. The two men that debuted and returned tonight. At first I thought we would give the crowd a show. He went for a roundhouse kick but I dodged and then I went for a superkick and he dodged. We kept fight until he eliminated me. I wasn't mad at all. I walked to the back, a little sore but excited. As I walked into the back, I saw Becky Lynch. "Hey Becky!"

"Hey lad."

"I was wondering, you wanna hang out later after the show?"

"Sure. I'll see you then."

"Cool." I walked in the locker room and changed. "May be one day." I said, thinking of Becky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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