Part 3

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Unbuckling the seatbelt, Shouto got out with the rest of his family. Looking up, it was one of the high security prisons where dangerous criminals were kept, this one in particular housed one of the four that were associated with the league of villains.
"Shouto... please come here for a moment, I need to tell you why we're here" Endeavor says grimly
"Now you're going to tell him?! Oh boy, brace yourself little bro." Natsuo sighed
"The criminal Dabi, had his identity revealed last night to be... your oldest brother, Touya."
"What?! Are you sure that it's him? Didn't he disappear without a trace years ago?" Shouto started to raise his voice
"He did, thanks to someone making sure it was kept under wraps..." Natsuo spat at his father
"There were some DNA tests done, and it was a complete match to the last records they had on him." Fyunami added in. Shouto should have been more surprised, but it simply made too much since, when he put all the bits of information together, it was now obvious that Dabi was his brother.
"Well we're here, might as well get this family reunion over with." Leaving a shock in the group, Shouto walked ahead, entering the facility.
"Are you here for a visit?" The one at the desk asked
"Unfortunately we're not, it's for the investigation with that new prisoner you got the other night." Nezu announced from behind
"Oh, then the guards will escort you there."
"We don't need guards, we are more than capable of controlling the situation." Endeavor stated
"Actually you're not." An officer stepped out in front of the party "The inmate assaulted the last person who was in there, strangled by the chain of his handcuffs, he's getting the larger ones back on, but because of safety concerns, one of us will always accompany you, especially in that room." And with that they were off to the room.


The new cuffs he had on were extremely uncomfortable, unable to even move his fingers.
"Can't I wear something else? I'm not really the muscles of my group." Dabi pouts
"With the stunt you just pulled?! You're lucky you're not put into solitary, let alone see people today. And just to let you know, we have tranquilizer guns ready, pull anymore funny business, and you'll wake up back in the infirmary the next day." The guard warned. Not long after, footsteps could be heard outside the room. Leaning forward on the table to identify the muffled voices
"Who will go in first?"
"Definitely not dad"
"I will"
Something about the last voice wasn't as familiar like others, Dabi could identify the other two, but not this one, regardless he had a good guess of who it was.
"Alright then, there's already someone inside, whenever you're done, just leave."
With a twist of the handle, the door swung open to reveal that his youngest brother had volunteered to chat first.
"My guess was right, I knew you wouldn't leave your big brother hanging." Dabi chuckled
"what happened to you?" Sitting down at the chair of the metal table, he stared into the bright blue eyes.
"Take a wild guess."
"You know what I meant, Touya."
"What do you think happened?"
"Touya, please drop the act, I'm genuinely asking, I have to know."
"No you don't, and this is no act, it's who I am now" with a tilt of his head and the slouch in the chair, all shouto could do was look at his brother, the way he was restrained reminded him of when Bakugo had to be. Speaking of which, if he can't get the personal questions answered, might as well ask about the others.
"Back when you attacked the training camp, why did you kidnap Bakugo? And antagonize me?" interlocking his fingers together, resting them on the table.
"Simple, I was following orders. Shigaraki thought it was good Idea to 'recruit' the most aggressive student in UA. As stupid as it was, it was pretty fun to watch it literally blow up in his face." Dabi smirked, getting one from the brother as well. 'Why do I have this feeling to get closer to him? Dabi's is a villain, but also Touya. Maybe I just miss him from the times when I was younger, when he would be there for me when no one else could. But it still doesn't make sense of exactly why he left...'
'Furthermore, how does he have better fire than our old man? I know he once mentioned Touya surpassesed him in that aspect...'
"Shouto, you're starting to theorize too much..."
'I know dad could teach me, but did he learn cremation on his own? And how did I not the connections earlier? Possibly from not seeing him too much in my childhood or for not comparing the photos...' A loud clang jumped Shouto out of his thoughts, lowering his hand that was on his chin
"Since you're just going to think about questions you won't get the answer to, send in the next person so I have something to do besides sit here, watching you think." Dabi growled
"I'm not done." Shouto replies, which lead to the older one to stand up
"Sit back down now!" Before he could follow the instruction, the other brother slammed his hands on the table, leaning in "You still didn't completely answer my question, why did you antagonize us?" looming over, their foreheads were almost touching, to the point Shouto could smell burnt flesh and ash "I felt like it, to have the chance confusing or angering my family, why would I pass that up?" flashing a toothy grin, Dabi plopped back down into the chair "Anyway scram, I do want to see my other siblings, not to mention piss off our old man. Maybe come back some other time, and pull some strings so I'm not wearing these bulky things." Lifting his cuffs, Dabi yawned throwing his head back. Shouto shut the door behind him, where Natsuo went in after. Not much could be heard, but there were some loud, genuine laughs heard. Leading to fyunami's turn, she came back out puffy eyed 'Why are these rooms soundproof? I couldn't hear anything for anyone's conservations...'. Feeling a slight pang of jealousy, Shouto couldn't connect to Touya, not like Natsuo or Fyunami. He needed to fix this, not caring of what Touya has done, he wanted to truly know who was Touya, like how his siblings knew him. When it was Endeavor's turn, which would most likely turn into a battle of insults, Shouto got up to approach Nezu, who was simply there to supervise.
"Excuse me, principal Nezu, can I talk to you?"
"Of corse, what is on your mind?"
"I would like to come back after today to talk to my brother, alone." Taken back by this, the smile faded from the animal's face
"Are you sure? This will take time away from your schoolwork."
"Yes, I can travel after school or on a weekend."
"That can be arranged, but I must ask why do you want to visit?" Shouto gulped, taking a deep breath. "During my childhood... I never got the chance to know him..."
"But you lived in the same household, how could that be?"
"I...I had lots of training."
"Shouto, is there something we need to know? Did something happen to you, or your siblings? Could this have lead to Touya becoming a villain?" He looked away, not answering the question, Nezu exhaled. "We'll grant you permission to see your brother more often, under your consent, you'll be allowed to see him." Going back to his smile, a door slammed shut. The beard was brighter than usual, and a hoarse yet hysterical laugh could be heard from the room 'must be because Touya knew dad couldn't hit him without raising major suspicion, and took full advantage of it.' Shouto inferred.
"We're done here." Endeavor seethed through his teeth. Leaving burnt footprints down the hall, they headed back to UA.

Red is the new black; a dabi and shouto todoroki fanficWhere stories live. Discover now