Chapter 1:A dirty kiss.

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"Your pole dancing was so sexy and amazing!" Yaoyorozu complimented you,
"Oh come on, you know I just used my quirk." You chuckled, What was your quirk? Ehhhh its kinda complicated,you're a succubus but you can still take on a human form,quite shocking you were a former doctor right? There's a reason behind that,but thats for another chapter.

"Are you going home now Y/n?" Shinso asks, both of you are childhood friends, both of you are always together. He was also the bartender at the strip club, "Yea why?" you asked, "Well lets go to the station together." Shinsou suggested, "Sure! Let me just change." And with that you walked to the locker room.

As soon as you walked inside the locker room, Scarlet, your friend and co worker was there. She let out a big smile and hugged you, "Y/n~" She spoke out. "Yaoyorozu and I and a few others are going to have a drink, wanna come?" She asks, "I'll have to decline, I'm feeling tired today so I'll go and have some rest." You replied and pushed her away and started removing your clothes. She pouted, "Aww... too bad..." She replied. 

-Time Skip-
Both of you were walking the cold streets of Limbo.(Yes that's the town name)
"Hey Y/n... Don't you ever get tired of you know,working at a strip club?" Shinso asks.
"Yeah but... Its kinda the only job that had accepted me,besides your so lucky your only a bartender." You chuckled,"Why do you ask?" You added.

"Well,I'm gonna be moving out of here because I found a better job at the Emerald City. I was thinking that maybe if you were sick of working there,I could bring you..." He answered,
You quickly stopped walking, He also stopped and looked at you confused, You quickly jumped at him with big arms. Both of you fell down with your arms wrapped around him.

In Celestial, the neighbouring country, there was its Capital, Emerald city. The country was overrun by heroes and crimes rarely occured there, Unlike this shitty town named Limbo which was overrun by Villains, it had become a normal occurence that villains would steal stuff, burn down some buildings and many more. Basically, crime was normal here, in the country of Purgatory. How did you end up here? Well... It was one of the cheapest Countries, things here weren't expensive. 

You giggled and got up. You also helped Shinso get up. "Oops, I got too excited." you spoke out,  "Its fine I'm used to your excitement." He chuckles, "But that's honestly good news! I'm proud of you for being able to find a job better than this shit hole." You asked with your eyes shining bright.

"Well... Its kinda complicated. I'm just gonna be an employee at a huge company." He answered,
"Omg!! Thats still better than working at the strip club." You chuckled,"But you don't have to bring me,I can be fine here,just visit me!" You added.

He chuckles,he pats your head."I promise I would still visit you." he reassured you, "Pinky promise??" You held out your pinky while looking at him with bright eyes. "You're an adult but you still use pinky promises?" He teased,  "Shut up!" You lightly punched his arm. He let out a small chuckle and held out his pinky finger. Both your fingers intertwined and the promise was sealed.

"Oh shit! There's my bus!" You quickly ran up to the bus that's ready to leave. "Bye Shinso!!" You waved your hand while running. Shinso only waved back.

-Time Skip-
You let out a deep sigh, "Goodness... It's so cold..." You mumbled, it was winter, and Purgatory had the coldest winters. You were a little weak to the cold but, you managed. You soon transformed back into your original form, your wings stretched out, "Haa... I'm finally able to stretch my wings..." You commented. 

Soon, you heard sounds of whimpers and grunts. You raised an eyebrow, as it piqued your curiosity. A side of you was telling yourself to ignore it but your doctor instincts said the opposite. "Oh my god I can't believe I'm doing this..." You mumbled under your breath and followed it. 

It soon revealed a male on the ground bleeding, it seemed that he was stabbed. He had dark green hair mixed with black. You hesitated to run up to him but, you chose "Fuck it." you sprinted towards him and dropped down. 

"What the hell happened to you?" You asked and soon tore a piece of your clothing and pressed it on the wound to stop it from bleeding. "Who...are you...?" he asked, "No one important, here." You grabbed his hand and placed it on the cloth. "Put pressure on it to stop the bleeding." You commanded him, he did as you told. 

Your eyes soon examined him, his clothes were torn and you could see bruises and some sort of burns on his skin. You soon had the craziest idea, what if you tried to give him your energy through a kiss? Since your quirk allows you to heal through kisses and any type of sexual affection, does that mean you could also heal him if you transfer your energy to him through a kiss? 'Can I possibly heal him..?' You thought, "I'm sorry but this'll help you." You told him and soon went closer to him and kissed him. He was surprised but he didn't break it, the kiss that was supposed to only be a peck soon turned to something passionate.

You soon broke away before you could lose anymore energy, you let out a gasp, "It worked...??" You spoke out in disbelief. He was confused but soon examined his body, he looked at you in disbelief, "How did you... Interesting..." He mumbled. He soon glared at someone behind you,"Took you fucking long enough,do you want me to get killed asshole??" He hissed at someone behind you, before you could turn your head, you felt something hit your head and soon you were knocked out cold. 

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