-The Dread-

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Lance threw the journal across the room, refusing to even look at it.

There's absolutely no way I've been in here for that long. It's...impossible... Lance thought.

He spent several minutes just repeating to himself;

"It can't be true."

"There's no way."

"It's impossible."

Another memory tugged at him, this time though, it was of one before the time loop.

He remembered when the team had rescued Allura from Zarkon and when they tried to escape via wormhole it had seperated the lions and put Allura in a sort of Time Loop. Of course, hers was much shorter and it seemed to change the things around her significantly.

This was different though, his situation had a longer loop, that didn't seem to affect the others in any way, shape, or form.

But does the witch have something to do with my time loop as well? Lance thought.

The journal mainly mentioned Lotor as the offender, but there was a very likely chance he had assistance from the witch.

Lance picked up the book and hid it under his mattress so that no one would find it. He then laid down on his bed, deciding to get some more sleep, not because he thought this was a dream, but because he wished to escape this cruel reality through his dreams.

He grabbed his pillow and shoved his face into it, hoping to block out reality, slowly drifting to sleep.


Lance was roused by the sound of knocking at his door.

He groggily rolled over and went to answer it.

"Did you get the test result, Coran?" He asked as he staggered over to the door.

He pressed the button on the door controls and the door open. He found not Coran but Keith standing outside the door.

"Oh, hey man," Lance said.

Keith was wearing his blades uniform with his hood down and mask off. He had a black bag slung across his back.

"Oh, hey...um...you're not Shiro," Keith said. Lance looked at him strangely.

"Um, yeah, this is my room, why would Shiro be here?" Lance said.

"This...This is your room?" Keith said confused.

Lance then noticed the very large bags under Keith's eyes and how visibly tired he was.

"Um...Keith...when was the last time you slept?" Lance asked. Keith shrugged.

"Umm...Not sure, when was the mission again?" Keith asked.

"Like three days ago. Keith, are you alright?" Lance asked. Keith nodded, exaggerating a little.

"Yeah...yeah...I'm fine...really, I feel great...so...where is Shiro?" Keith asked.

"Keith...have you slept since the mission?" Lance asked.

"Yeah yeah...well...honestly? No. Not at all." Keith mumbled.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," Lance said, attempting to lead Keith to his own room.

"Forgot the pin...y'know to get the door open...can't get in. I was going to ask Shiro if I could sleep in his room." Keith said.

Lance glanced over at Shiro's door and saw it was locked. Shiro probably locked it before he left.

"Shiro and the others are at the space mall..." Lance started.

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