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The whispering started the moment she stepped into her classroom.

Natasha was sitting at the back of the classroom with her hood drawn low over her face. 

She didn't have to open her eyes to know that people were staring and pointing. Snatches of conversation drifted over to her and she heard phrases of, "poor her, no parents", and "I'm lucky I'm not her." 

She sat there waiting for the bell to ring, to signify the beginning of school, wishing that the incessant whispering would just stop. She didn't need their pity or their scorn, all she needed was to be alone.

The whispering stopped and she heard footsteps walking towards her. Without even looking up she knew who was standing in front of her. She opened her eyes and lifted her head, just in time for the world's biggest bully to fill her vision. 

"Look who's here, snivelling in the corner, crying to their mammy," said Heather with a sneer.

"Oh wait! She doesn't have one anymore!" and she started cackling in her weird inhuman laughter and two of the girls who always followed her laughed along.

By now Natasha had learned to expect no one to help her. Everyone was afraid of the 6'2 giant standing before her. If u stood up to her, you could expect to be the next on her list of victims. 

Natasha squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself not to cry. 

"Aww, who's crying here, wanna go to your daddy for a hug?" said Heather in a mock caring tone. "Oh no! I'm sorry he burned in a fire! Oops silly me!" 

Natasha's eyes burned as she stood up, and she imagined Heather flying across the room...

And was surprised when Heather, seemingly threw herself back into the wall and went hurtling through it and into the next classroom.

The class fell silent in shock and Natasha's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. "THROUGH THE WALL!" she thought to herself , that wasn't possible! She hadn't even touched her! Her face burned as 60 pairs of eyes turned to face her, staring in absolute terror. Everything was silent for a moment before the air in front of her shimmered and a man in a cape and brightly coloured clothes stepped into the room. He raised a single hand and swept it around the room and instantly everything froze in time. 

The man turned to Natasha, anger in his eyes. "WHAT IN THE BLAZES DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? WHY DID YOU USE YOUR MAGIC ON A HUMAN, ARE YOU..." His voice trailed off as he looked to her wrist and frowned. "Where's your register? Why isn't it on your wrist?" he asked quickly.

"Register? What register?"

"What? How can you not know what a register is unless..." his mouth dropped open and he was silent. But he wasn't silent for long , as the air shimmered once again and this time a group of 5 people dressed in white robes stepped in. The man regained his senses and started barking orders to them. Whilst the newcomers got busy, he turned to her and started whispering in a hurried tone.

"Look I don't know who you are, but the fact that you can use magic but still not have a register is alarming. I'm bringing you back with me to get checked up with the Conclave. I honestly can't believe I've found an Unseeing as old as you."

"Magic? The stuff I did back there... " she gulped as she looked towards the twisted body of Heather, "That was magic?"

"Of course" snorted the man disdainfully, "what else could it have been?"

"But magic isn't real." 

The moment those words left her mouth she knew she must've sounded childish and regretted it instantly.

"Then how would you explain what you did over there?" Asked the man as he gestured towards Heather.

To that she had no answer, and she adjusted her gaze to her shoes.

"What are they doing?" she asked suddenly, looking towards the white robed people. 

"Oh, they're erasing everyone's memories of this incident to avoid trouble. They'll fix up the wall and that girl there and make sure no one could even guess that anything had happened."

"What about me? The teacher will notice I'm gone! And so will the people at the orphanage!" Natasha blustered.

"Don't worry they'll deal with it. After they're done no one could even tell that you had even existed." He harrumphed once and went on, "Ok we've wasted enough time as is, I'm going to have to ask you to do one thing, can you hold onto my arm and concentrate on not letting go?" inquired the man. She nodded once. 

"Very well then," the man drew a blue glass shard out of his robe and he held it up to the light of the Sun.  A moment later the air in front of her shimmered and the man put the shard away. 

"Ready?" he asked Natasha.

Again she nodded and she gripped his arm firmly as he stepped into the air...

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