A heinous murder scheme is hatched.

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Verily, if not for the complacency of my goddaughter, I would not have comprehended the animousity her spouse held towards me. A brief gander at her phone when she had forgotten it in the powder room of my place of residence had convinced me of the severity of the situation. Never had I regarded a simple text with so much unveiled apprehension. It was as my psychiatrist had informed me, men who cannot leave the movements of the females in their lives to the sapiens whom it is actually concerning of are tryingly heinous individuals. Exceedingly verifying the womans movements in relation to her own genetic father was what is known as a red flag, alerting my consciousness of the grave proceedings taking place in my daughters time on this heavenly body. Specifically within the domain of my superior reach, I determined that it would be prudent for me to take preventative action regarding the situation. It would not be in the mannerisms of my soveirgn state to boorishly take a weapon to the brain of such a slovenly sapien, no, it would be correct to dilute my intentions in the form of a deadly quantity of sedative in the drinking cup of this peasantly man. Delighted at the scheme I had sculpted, the sagacity of my inspiration delighted my acute mentality and I cackled exultantly. No longer would my offspring rebel oppose its very own begetter.

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