Chapter One

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Phoebe POV

I was walking up the steps of the Opera Populaire, holding Sorcha in my arms and my bag looped on my arm. Sorcha was busy twirling her small fingers through my fiery red curls. My bright blue eyes gazing at the grand building in front of me.

Once I reached the top of the staircase I put Sorcha down and straightened her lavender dress. I then brushed out the wrinkles of my forest green dress while holding her hand. Then I knelt down and looked into her green eyes that stared in my direction, but not into my eyes. I moved a long brown wave behind her ear and smiled.

I took out her palm and then signed into it for her to feel, "Here. Be good." She then nodded eagerly in response.

I then guided Sorcha to the door and two finely dressed men opened the doors for us.

"Thank you," I said in my slightly tone deaf voice. Only because I was Hard of Hearing. I could hear certain things, but not all.

"Ms. Callahan?," A ballerina with long blonde hair who was around my age called out for me. With another young girl who had long chocolate curls. Both of them stood at the bottom of the marble staircase.

"Yes?," I then guided Sorcha in their direction.

"I'm Meg and this is Christine," the blonde girl introduced herself," My mother is the ballet mistress. She asked for us to take to you to the stage to meet the managers, Miss."

"Of course, but please call me Phoebe," I then picked up Sorcha again," And this is my little sister, Sorcha."

"Is she alright?," Christine asked with concern in her voice. Noticing Sorcha's blank stare, no doubt.

"Yes. Sorcha was born Deaf-Blind," Sorcha then reached out her hand with her palm up," She wants to meet you."

Then with their consent Sorcha felt their faces and I spelled out their names into her palm. This told her who they were and allowed her to remember them by using her other enhanced senses.

"She is so sweet. It must be difficult for her," Christine added as she and Meg led us to the stage.

"Not really since my parents and I taught her. She used to not understand that words were linked to things. Now she is just happy and I am lucky to have her. She is my best friend," I replied with a smile.

"So did you learn sign to teach her?," Meg asked curiously.

"No. I grew up knowing sign language. Both our parents are Deaf. And I am too," This caused them to stop and gawk at me in surprise,"What?"

"You're deaf?!," they asked simultaneously in sheer shock.

"Yes. I mostly communicate in sign and only speak with hearing people. I usually read lips. I can hear a little though. Only certain things though. It really depends."

"But you speak so well. I thought that the deaf had....well not such eloquent speech skills," Christine said with a face that showed she was ashamed.

"Its alright. People usually have that misconception. And sometimes think the Deaf are invalid. Which we truly aren't. My parents were a decent middle class so I had the privilege of being taught a few other languages. Like French, German, Italian, and French and German sign language."

"Your parents sound very supportive," Meg smiled sweetly. These girls seemed very kind and understanding. Also very open to the understanding of Deaf culture.

"They are extremely loving and patient. Especially with Sorcha. Right now they are still in Ireland finishing up with our move," I explained as we then walked onto the stage. There was a rehearsal going on and I could see the managers standing in the opposite corner of the proscenium. Then an older woman with chestnut hair, a black dress, and cane walked over to us.

"Mademoiselle Callahan, I presume," she said sternly and I nodded in response," I am Madame Giry. I see you've met my daughter Meg and her friend Christine."

"Yes. It is a pleasure to meet you Madame," I curtsied the best I could with Sorcha in my arms.

"Is this the sister you spoke of in your letter?"

"Yes, this is Sorcha. And would it be alright for her to feel your face? Its how she remembers people," Madame Giry then nodded in approval and I signed her name into Sorcha's palm then allowed her to feel Madame Giry's features.

"Madame!" The Maestro called for her,"We are rehearsing!"

"My apologies Monsieur Reyer. I was busy greeting our new interpreter, Mademoiselle Phoebe Callahan. As well as her younger sister Sorcha," Madame Giry then guided me and Sorcha onto the stage. That was when the managers approached me.

"Mademoiselle Callahan. I am Richard Firmin," said the manager with a large pompadour and thick mustache. Then he gestured to the shorter man with gray curls," This is my partner Gilles Andre."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance messieurs," I curtsied.

"Can we take this to our office? And you can leave your sister in Box Five while we deal with your contract," Andre spoke in a stutter.

"That is not the wisest decision Monsieur Andre," Madame Giry spoke in her stern tone once again.

"Nonsense. Come we will lead you there," Firmin then led me to the box.

While the managers waited outside the door I sat Sorcha down in a seat and signed into her palm,"Wait here. I will be back soon." She nodded in response and I pecked her forehead then left the box. Hoping she would be okay. I never liked to leave her alone, but I did not wish to upset the managers. I needed to make sure I could support Sorcha and myself until Mother and Father arrived in Paris.

Please let her be okay. Only for a little while.

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