The Sound From Next Door

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Kirishima POV
I wake up to a burning pain in my forearm. Not again. I look to see that I had scratched my arms raw. Mixed with the pain from the cuts from the night before it hurt like hell. I pull myself from bed and up to the bathroom. I wash off my arms and bandage them up. ' stupid, helpless, faggot ' I tell myself as I make around 13 cuts on my thigh. I look in the mirror to see tear trails and bags under my eyes. What time even was it? I look over to the clock and read 1:27am, Was it really that early? Guess I got some time to kill. There is no way I can sleep right now. I decide to train with my punching bag for as long as I can. I didn't last long before I fell to the floor. The exhaustion hitting me like a brick. Why am I like this?! I'm stupid, helpless, and weak. I sit on the floor crying and weakly swatting at the punching bag. I go to bandage the cuts on my thigh, only to realize that I'm out of bandages " Fuck! " I slam my hand down on the bathroom counter. Shit that was loud, it's only 2am so hopefully no one was awake to hear that.

Bakugou POV
I hear I loud bang come from the dorm room next to mine. Who's dorm room even was next to mine? Ahh it was Kirishimas dorm. What the fuck was he up to? It is 2 fucking AM. He is lucky that I was already awake.
*Time skip*
I decided to walk to Kirishimas dorm to check on him after about 10 minutes of deliberation. The hallways are freezing. At least I grabbed a shirt before heading out. I reach his door and let my hand hover a moment before before knocking on the door. ' Shit am I overstepping my boundaries ' I think to myself, but before I have time to walk away the door opens and I'm greeted with a tiered looking and sweaty Kirishima. " Oi shitty hair you got a play mate in here or something? " He just stares at me puzzled. I sigh realizing that he is either too innocent or too tiered to get the joke. " What was that loud bang earlier? " Now he looks panicked ' shit what did I do. ' " oh uhh I- I dropped the remote " He studders out. I know he is lying

( The song isn't completely fitting but I couldn't think of one to suit this chapter. If you have any recommendations comment them please )

( 368 words )

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