Talks and runs

331 10 4

Bakugo's POV

I look at my phone to see the time, '6:30'. I haven't been able to eat since I messaged Kirishima. Pacing around my room, I rehearse my confrontation. I hear a knock on the door.

"Who could that be," I mumble to myself.

I walk over to and open the door. Out side the door is Picachu leaning against the frame.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Dude, can we talk?" He asks in a legitimately concerned tone.

"Fine," I say walking back into my room as he follows. I sit on my bed and leaned back, "So, what did you wanna talk about?" I ask as I yawn a little.

"Dude, you look like you didn't sleep at all last night, you haven't eaten anything today, and you were even more irritable then usual this morning. Is everything ok?"

His words make me realize that I really didn't eat today.

"Yeah, everything's fine with me, I'm just worried about Kirishima," I admit, letting my guard down slightly.

"Why?" He quizzes.

Great now he sounds to interested for me to brush off. So I explain my concerns, about the loud bang last night and how I saw him in the infirmary before the recovery girl was in.

By the time I finished explaining and Denki left, promising not to say a word, it was 6:55, so instead of waiting another five minutes I decide to go to Kirishima's room now. I grab my sweater, walk over to his door and knock on it. He opens it wearing a hoodie and track pants.

"Hey, can I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says dully, walking away from the door and into the room towards his desk. I notice now that his cheeks are stained with tear tracks and his eyes are bloodshot. I walk over to his bed and sit down. "So, what did you want to talk about?"


"What is it?" He asked shallowly.

"Kiri, are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"W-What do you mean 'am I okay," of-of course I'm okay," he says, his tone panicked.

"Yeah, if you're really okay then show me your arms."

At that, he dashed, tugging at his hoodie sleeves. I wasn't really surprised when he flung the door open and ran from the room. I decided to give him some time to cool down. I take this chance while he is gone to look for proof. My heart sinks as I look through his hamper. Almost every shirt has blood stains on the sleeves.

I don't bother to look for anything else as I rush out the door to find Kirishima. I'm so worried he might do something stupid. As I run down the stairs I bump into Denki but I just run past him. I try to keep my panic hidden as I speed walk through the lobby and out the front doors. My mind won't stop racing as I make my way to the forest.

Suddenly, I am grabbed by the back of my sweater and pulled back. I assume it's Aziwa and shake off the grip, but then I hear a voice. Picachu's voice to be exact. I stop and turn.

"Is this about Kirishima? Please let me help," he chokes, out of breath from following me.

"Fine," I say rushed as I turned around and started running again. As we approached the forest I start to yell Kirishima's name over and over again.

My lungs burned from the cold and the need for air but I keep yelling. As we get deeper I start to hear rustling and crying. I push myself to go faster ignoring the need for air, the pain coursing through my body and the scratches from the tree branches. After what seemed like hours, I see Kirishima leaning against a tree, crying while cutting into his forearms with a broken piece of glass.

I collapse in front of him. He looks up and just looks at me, shaking, trying to stop tears from running down his face. I slowly reach for his hands, to take the glass away, he lets me. After discarding the, now red, glass, I gently take him into my arms and hold him to my chest.

"Don't every scare me like that again," I whisper into his hair, "got that?"

He nods weakly into my chest. He then picks his head off my chest.

"Oh my god, Bakugo, your legs," he says quietly, as if in shock.

I look down to see my legs bleeding, a lot. 'How the fuck am I going to get back now,' I think.

"I'm fine," I manage to say.

A very breathless Denki comes running up to us panting loudly. He offers Kirishima a hand up, he accepts. Denki offers the same to me, I accept as well but it's a struggle to get me up because of my legs.

Wrapping my arms around Denki and Kirishima's shoulders we start our way back.

(835 words)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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