Story Four

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Story Four

She was walking along the road, feeling tired, she had walked a long way and still had a way to go. A car pulled up alongside her, the man driving wound down the window and asked

"Would you like a lift somewhere?"

"Yes, that would be nice thank you."

She got in and he pulled away, they drove for a little while making small talk when...

"You will have to contribute to the petrol costs."

"But I...I have no money or anything of value. If you pull over I will get out now" she responded


His response made her a little worried and she shifted in her seat, he locked the doors and they drove along in silence. He took a turning into a wooded area, she thought it looked very secluded, too secluded. She wondered what he was going to do, was this her time? Was she going to die here and now? Her heart hammered in her chest, her palms were moist with sweat. He stopped the car and switched off the engine, he got out without saying a word, walked around the front of the car and pulled open her door.

"Get out."

"whe...where are we?"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car, he dragged her around to the front of the vehicle, turned her around and pushed her face down on to the bonnet. She struggled and fought against him, he was too strong, much stronger than she was. He pulled her arms behind her back holding both her wrists in one hand, holding her down against the car. He ran his other hand up her thigh, pushing her short skirt up over her hips.

"Well, it seems that you do have something of value after all!"



She heard him undo the zip of his jeans, she struggled but it was no use, he kicked her legs apart and pulled her knickers to one side, pushing first one then two fingers into her with the intention of getting her juices flowing a little. He moved closer, she could feel his cock push against her, she tried to twist away, he entered her and fucked her roughly, pushing her down into the bonnet of the car and her legs into the front of it with little respite until he was done.

He pulled out of her, pulled her away from the car and dropped her. He got into his car, started the engine and drove off leaving her there on her own in the middle of the wood not knowing what to do.

She sat for a minute or two then got up, straightened her clothes and started walking following the direction that he had driven off in, she had to keep going, get home. She came to the road, he was there, in his car waiting, for her? She started to walk past, would he see her? Would he want more?

He wound the window down as she got close.

"Are you ok my love?"

"Yes Sir, that was fun."

She got in happy and satisfied; she enjoyed the games they played.

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