~Chapter 1~

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⚠️Warning⚠️: Mentions of suicide, Swear words, Self harm, and other stuff that may be triggering will be possible be included in this chapter.

(Anne's point of view)

"You deserve to die Anne."

"What, no. I didn't mean to do this." I said while sobbing.

"No, Anne you did this to yourself."

"Henry, no." I say before feeling something go through my neck

At this I woke up drenched in sweat and everything was off my bed expected for my pillow. I reach up feeling my neck know that it is still there. I slap the clock on my bedside table making it glow showing the time.

2:02 am

"Fuck." I say while slamming my body back against my bed. 'Just another fucking night with another fucking stupid night terror.' I think to myself. I pull my up to sit straight up and stare at the black nothingness of my room. I pull myself out of bed to try and find the light switch. Suddenly I step on something sharp which causes me to panic. Picking up my foot I start to hop around on one foot while still trying to find the light switch. Then again I stumble back over the sharp object which stabs my other foot. At this I fall straight over with a big bang.

"Fuuuck." I scream a little too loud as I hear it come out of my mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, god dam it. What did I leave on my floor." I whisper to myself while rolling around on the floor holding both of my feet. I wince in pain as I accidentally squeeze my foot. I close my eyes while still rolling hoping that the pain would stop. Suddenly I heard the door swinging open and the light turned on. I'm still squeezing my eyes shut in pain so I can't see who it is.

"Anne are you- ow Shit." I hear some say before feeling another person holding their body up above me nearly pinning down. I slowly open my eyes to reveal Catherine Parr holding her body up trying not to squish me. "Hi Anne." Cathy says sheepishly and then flops herself right next to me.

"Hi Cathy." I said awkwardly staring at the ceiling in shock of what just happened. I lay there on the floor waiting for Cathy to say something.

"Hahah, Sorry about that Anne." Cathy says with an awkward laugh. She sits up and looks around the room, while I just stay laying on the floor staring at her. She gets onto her hands and knees and crawls for a couple seconds before sitting on her lower legs. I watch as she picks up the object and studies it carefully. I sat up to get a look of what it was. In her hand were three LEGO bricks stuck together making a small pyramid. I stare at it questioning how it got on my floor. I sigh falling back onto my floor.

"LEGO Brick! Why are there fucking LEGO Bricks on my floor. God damn it. Why do I have to be so god dam stupid?" I say running my finger through my long brown hair.

"Come on Anne. You're not stupid." Cathy says giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Yes I am. Ask literally anyone else in this house and they will agree with me. Especially Cath, that's all she says to me." I say lying on the floor looking at Cathy.

"Babes, don't let what Cath says affect you. You know she is still salty about the whole thing that went down between you in your past life. You can't let other effect you." Cathy says as she put her hand on my thigh rubbing it with her thumb in a sympathetic way, but even though it was a platonic sort of way it still turned me on slightly. Well Cathy just turns me on in general, as ever since we started spending more time together I started to develop a crush on Cathy.

"Well I almost failed my way through school." I say staring at her with my hands on my head. She tilted her head giving me a disappointing look.

"Hey B minuses and C pluses are good for you. You can't expect to get all As like me." Cathy says as she grabs one of my hands that was resting on my hand. She pulled me up so that I was no longer on the ground. She moved that she was directly in front of me. I drew my legs so that they were against my body. I knew what Cathy wanted to talk about to me and I wasn't very happy.

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