Chapter one: Summer and morning coffee.

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That heavenly sweet season between spring and autumn. Where the grass strokes the skin of your bare foot as the sun warms your whole body. The season where problems fades away as you lay in the heat listening to the birds, the light breeze and waves off the ocean. Summer was his favorite time. It had always been, because he could spend more time with his daughter and enjoy the days in a way he couldn't during other seasons. For German, summer reminded him of all the delightful memories by the beach, the travels and backyard events he had with Maria and Violetta once. Now, summer was creating new memories, only this time with Angie. Finding out about her secret, that she was Marias sister had hit him pretty hard. The time after his wife's death was the hardest part of his life, trying to find comfort in the darkness while raising a little girl.

But all the while getting to know her, connecting with her and unconsciously falling in love with her was what he needed. Ever since he lost his beloved Maria, he'd never thought of finding that kind of love again. The relationships he had had before with other women and with Jade didn't even come close to the emotions he felt towards Angie. 

That love he felt for Angie. Gosh it was the kind of love where you'd want nothing else than to be a solid part of someone's life and hand yourself over to them. Where you want to promise them everything they ever dreamed of and stand with them in both good and bad times.


The early morning light was casted over the walls of his bedroom, slowly taking over the dark shadows of the room. German stretched his body, feeling the ligaments in his body come to life. He sat up gradually as the sound of he alarm went off; he pressed the button to shut it completely. Even thought it was summer, he needed the sound of his alarm to get his day started. Once he got up from his bed he pulled on some sweatpants and headed for the stairs.

Coffee was badly needed so he went directly towards the kitchen, stretching once more and feeling his body relax. He reached the kitchen, hearing a soft humming and saw her standing there by the coffee machine. German stopped just by the counter, on the other side so that he could observe her as she went on with her business.

She looked radiant standing there, the sunshine sipping though the window casted a luscious glow over her. Her blond locks falling easily over her bare shoulder, her tall body leaning against the countertop as her finger played with the mug. She wore a nightgown that left much to his imagination and it clung to her body deliciously, showing the curves of her beautiful features. She looked divine.

He could stand there all day watching her as she moved with ease around the kitchen. But all of a sudden he saw her trying to reach for the sugar on one of the shelves and that was his queue, so he moved with light steps towards her. Once he reached the other side his body caged hers by the countertop, stretching up to reach the sugar that she struggled for. 

It wasn't easy grabbing a hold of the sugar though, for the heat of her skin on his made him nervous and excited at the same time. The closeness of their bodies made his mind wander off and it took a while before his attention came back to reality. Her voice drew him back.

"German what are you doing?" She wondered.

"I'm helping you," he told her with a radiating smile.

"Well I could to it myself you know!" she said to him as a smile appeared on her lips.

He hadn't even realized that he was standing there, hovering over her with nothing on his upper body. Angie's eyes were glued to his well tones muscles, slowly reaching their way to his face. German smiled, talking a step back as he handed her the sugar. But his eyes drifted down to her body, studying the movements of her breaths.

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