Chapter 12

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All the little boys and girls were screaming and laughing
Around me that I felt like I was in a zone.

"Okay kids, do you all have your mom's?" Mom asked.
Okay, word about this event. It's not the 'Mother's Day Event'.
It's only called that because you spend the day with your mom.
Not the worldwide event.

"YES, MS. SMITH!" All the kids hollered in different pitches.
I slightly covered my ears but mom smacked my hand.

Before mom could continue, the most weirdest and awkward
Thing happened.

A small girl with blonde curls and a huge smile walked up
To me and tugged my sleeve.

"ExcUse me, whO are yoU?" The little girl asked, loudly. I
Pointed to my name tag with a sarcastic smile.

"What does THAT say?" She asked pointing to my name tag.
*brain sob, I'm going to lose it! This is not the joy of tagging along
To your mom's teaching career gig.

"Hannah!" I answered loudly since the girl spoke in a loud
Voice. I was getting annoyed. The little girl just laughed, amused
Before hugging me.

"You're pweety!" She squealed, hugging me. To be honest, I was
Never much of a 'kid person'. This pretty much explains why I'm not
Hugging her back. Why? Cause' she's counted a stranger by my standards.
Well, sort of.

"Okay Laura, you can go to your mommy now." Mom said in a real
Cute n' polite voice. Words cannot express my hatred for this event due
To awkward moments and kids who can't read. Of course, they're not even

"Okay, can everyone give your gifts to your mommies?" Mom asked
Holding up a sample 'I ❤️ MOMMY' card. That -- woah, I made that
For her when I was right! ARGH!!!!

All the little kids went to their cubby's to get their cards. Most of the cards
Had too much glitter, obese stick figure drawings and mispelled words.
One even had a dead daisy glued to it. Poor, daisy.

Not the most ideal cards though...

All the mothers just made heartwarming expressions while cuddling
Their kids. Cute but I felt that deep down, they were probably
Thinking, 'Aww is that me? I look -- what the hell is that?' To their

"Everyone, this is my daughter, Hannah! She'll be joining
Us today!" Mom announced hugging me in front of everybody.

"Smile..." She grimaced sort of softly which looked
Like a smile. I just rolled my eyes and smiled sarcastically.

I was already looking way past stupid that I feel sorry
For myself

"HI HANNAH!" All the kids waved rapidly to their loud
Greeting. I just waved and dug my hands into my pockets.

I'm suffering badly.

"Okay, now kids, form a circle!" Mom instructed as she put the microphone
Down. A loud feedback screeched hurting my ears as mom turned off the
Microphone. This is a disaster!

Mom gestured her finger to me, signaling me to tag along. I thought just
'Watching' was enough. Not tagging along or cooperating. Yep, I had
A death wish.

After some activities and story telling, I felt beat. I wanted to scream
All my feelings but, I couldn't or else everyone would be like,
'This girl is frowned upon' and my mom would get fired.


Finally, the ending part. My favorite part of the day. The kids did a cute
'Good - bye and I love you' song while leaving with their moms, hand in hand.

I certainly had nothing to show for it. I didn't want to cooperate nor
Did I have to. Or did I?

Mom shook her head disappointed.

"I'm not 'Mommy Day' material mom. I was just supposed to
Watch. Not cooperate." I grumbled getting a cookie by the
Refreshments table.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to be useless during this whole thing." Mom
Signed packing away some dolls, blocks, crayons and papers.

This is what I get with a mom that teaches little people.

"I preferred to be useless." I mumbled.

"Well, for your effort, I approve your relationship
With Taylor. At least, you came." Mom said proudly.

I was too tired to react but I just managed to muster
A small smile.



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