30 Real life

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Continuing from last chapter
"Yo Brandon were you going?" Edwin asked. "Going to get my girl back." Brandon said then left out the door.

Brandon just arrived At Ryan's House he was nervous. He didn't know how she was gonna to react or say. But he took a deep breath then knock on the door.

Soon as he knock the door flew open. When it opened he seen Ryan in a grey tube top with blue jean shorts and white adidas (outfit at the top). "Brandon." She said with a shock look on her face. "Hey can we talk." Brandon said while looking down. Still shocked at his random pop up at her house she nodded her head and let him in.

They walked in to the living room and sat down to talk. "First I want to apologize for coming unannounced and I wanted to talk about us." Brandon said looking at her.

"Brandon if it's about the disstrack I'm sorry if I went out of line and disrespected you and Charlotte." Ryan said looking a little guilty. "I don't care about the disstrack or Charlotte I care about you!" Brandon said standing up and starting to tear up.

"B what do you mean I thought you were with Charlotte?" Ryan asked. "I broke up with her Ryan once I heard the disstrack I realized how much pain I cause you and how you were fed up with it Ryan and I sorry but I love you and I want to be with you Ryan! At the point ryan was in tears.

She got up and kissed Brandon. "I love you too and I want to be with you Brandon!" They hugged for a few minutes. Brandon looked at her and wiped her tears.

"Don't ever leave me again brandon." Ryan said looking up at him. "I promise I won't." Brandon said looking at Ryan and kissed her forehead.

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