Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Commander Singh stepped into the small room just above the training chamber. Enki walked in behind her, along with two of his lab technicians. She felt an odd presence as the door slid closed. The room grew dark, lit only by the various control panels. She stood in the center of the room as the techs sat at their consoles.

Singh watched as Kieran walked through the door into the square arena the blue line mat consuming the majority of the room leaving only a small space by the door.


“Send him the standard recruitment line up.” Singh ordered the techs. Her words sent their fingers ablaze dancing across the controls.

“Line up confirmed, standing by.” The tech on her left announced.

“All right, Jarden. Stat rep.” Singh barked back to the tech, eager to get things underway.

“Subject vitals steady and recording. Environmental levels are normal across the scale. Subject energy signature registry complete. Containment field levels are nominal. Sensors are online and recording, all systems are ready.” The other tech announced. The tension in the room began to rise uncontrollably.


“Good, Lengho. Begin” Singh proclaimed. Jarden tapped a glowing green key that turned blue at his touch. Singh watched as a square panel opened in the arena below. She observed as a small Centryllian form rose from below, dressed in standard issue bootcamp armor. The young cadet drew his saber as the platform secured into place. Three green lights flashed on the wall behind him.


“Begin.” A gentle computer voice rang through the room as the young cadet charged.


Kieran brought his sword up to block the advance with considerable effort. Singh watched as the sparks flew from the blades.

“Kinetic readings are within predicted range. Subject displaying massive muscle expenditure, he’s at his limit.” Lengho spouted with a questioning tone. Singh sighed as she watched Kieran’s sparring partner jumped back.

“Fine then. You want a proper fight, lad, I’ll give you one!” They all heard Kieran proclaim from the room below as he thrust his blade into the floor. They watched as he clasped his hands together and took a deep breath, clenched his fists and brought them to his front. Singh immediately recognised it as the stance that was once taken against her. Jarden awaited her approval with a slight turn of his head.


Singh nodded her approval and he went to work. His fingers danced for only a few seconds. Thier focus was immediately returned to the room below, as the cadet then thrust his spear into the floor and took a responsive stance. Kieran’s body began to shift. He widened his legs and raised his left hand in front of him, like he dared his challenger to step forward.  Singh took immediate notice when when she saw and made a second discovery.

“How long were you planning on hiding in that shadowed corner?” Singh seemed to bark her question at thin air. Voltor looked behind her as Spectre emerged from the shadows.


“You really didn’t think you could hide their for long did yo-”


“Commander! Ma’am, you need to see this!” Lengho shouted and all eyes were suddenly on Kieran.


Chronicles Of The Gods Book 1: WisdomWhere stories live. Discover now