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After two more weeks, Jisung was still missing.

It's like he had disappeared and everyone was on edge, even Seungmin who didn't really know Jisung as well as I did. Minho was a complete mess.

We were pretty much back to the way we were before the big blowout, Changbin, Felix, Minho, and I. So we tried to console Minho as much as we could, but when your boyfriend goes completely missing, nothing really cheers you up.

Seungmin and I were official, everyone knew it, even Jeongin. He was absolutely devastated that I was with Seungmin now and ignored the both of us, which broke Seungmin's heart. I could tell that had formed a strong bond and when a close friend leaves you in the dust because of a person you're dating, it can be pretty...sad.

One day at school, Seungmin and I were hand in hand, walking down the hallway. People looked at us like we were crazy, but I was actually happy for once so I couldn't give less of a fuck.

Jeongin was walking down the same hallway to his next class and he stared us down, scoffing and shaking his head.

"Seungmin," he spoke up and then approached the two of us, shaking his head and glaring at me. "I'm disappointed that you really chose this piece of shit to date," he mutters and I find myself gritting my teeth. A reassuring squeeze of my hand from Seungmin made me take a breath though.

"He's not a piece of shit, Jeongin. I know you can't forget about the past, but I'm happy with him...and I'm not about to let you ruin that for me," he says almost sympathetically.

"Just wait. He'll screw you over...I thought..I thought we were really going to be friends.." Jeongin says, playing a huge victim card in the situation, which I scoffed at.

"Jeongin," Seungmin sighs heavily. "I understand how you feel...but...he makes me feel whole. It's either both of us, or neither of us. We are a package. If you want to be friends with me, you at least have to tolerate and not be rude every time you see him," he says and I smirk just a little bit, happy that my boyfriend is sticking up for me and not taking Jeongin's shit like everyone else is.

There was a pause and then the younger boy scoffs and brushes past us, pushing me aside a bit, which I barely moved to.

We went on without any problems from Jeongin that entire day, which is the way I like it. The less I have to deal with him, the happier I am.

It was only two days later when we got a call from the hospital...




Stay Cool 😎


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