"Big hero six? Whats that?"

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    I jumped awake to a loud beeping sound, opening my eyes I felt something wet on my pillow. I sat up and felt the side of my face that was assumably covered in slobber. "Ugh... Gross.."

    I wiped the side of my face with my blanket and reached over for my phone, turning my alarm off. I checked the time. "7:00? Ew, so early."

    I stretched my arms and let out a loud yawn, slowly sliding my legs out and onto the floor. I stood up and walked over to my dresser to open the first drawer.


    I woke up a little and rubbed my eye, then I opened the next drawer. Also empty. I checked the last drawer and there still was nothing. I stood there, a bit confused, then noticed my floor covered in my clothes. 'Do I really not have that many clothes?'

    "I guess I should do my laundry." I sighed and began to pick up the clothes on the floor and put them in a laundry basket that I should've been using. It probably has the rest of my clothes that 'mysteriously disappeared' too. Because I didn't want to wash them before we moved. I picked up the basket and carried it out of my room and down the stairs. It was time to put the new washer and dryer to the test.

    I got to the laundry room and set the basket down. I needed to hurry since I'm going to get picked up soon. I opened the washer and shoved my clothes in as fast as I can. Then I set it to speed wash and let it do it's thing. While I waited I went upstairs and decided to brush my teeth. After that I freshened up and cleaned up my room a bit more. Then I went downstairs to check on my clothes, they finished their cycle and I moved them to the dryer to speed dry.

I pulled out my phone to check the time and if I got any notifications.

One message
Dad 😔
Tap to open

I swiped up and opened the message.


I'm going to be out for awhile, job interviews. I'll see you after you come back.

Okay see you soon. Good lick.
Luck. I meant luck.

I put my phone back in my pocket and then I felt my stomach begin to gurgle. I headed to the kitchen and took a look around to see what we have. We did have leftovers but I wasn't feeling that type of hungry. So I just decided to make myself some cereal. Luckily dad did go grocery shopping this week so we actually have food to eat. I took a cup out of the cabinet and poured the cereal in there with milk.

I grabbed a spoon and took the cup with me to sit down in the living room. I decided to turn on the TV while I ate my breakfast, the screen flickered on to the local news channel. The reporter on screen smiled brightly and she stood in front of a construction site.

"The suspect who was responsible for the recent destruction of the buildings in the southern district has been put behind bars. And we were able to slide by with no casualties!Once again we are safe and sound thanks to our heroes!" A picture of very brightly dressed group cut into the corner of the screen. I read the headline ad the report continued.

"Our beloved heroes and heroines Big hero six saved San fransokyo once again!"

'Big hero six..?' I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone and searched up the name. The first thing to pop up was a link to a video. I turned off the TV so I could watch it.

(Think of it in a third person kinda thing. So the identities are harder to identify and you can't really hear them talking)

"Whoa." [Name]'s eyes sparkled in awe. That inner nerd was activated inside of him. He kept pausing the video to try to analyze the groups equipment and holding the phone close to his face. Mumbling to himself on what the materials may be. But he began to get frustrated due to the lower quality of the video.

Unfortunately his thoughts were interrupted by the loud 'beep' of the dryer. He hopped off the couch and opened the dryer to put his clothes in the bin. He hummed in satisfaction at the warmth of the clothes and then took the clothes to his room. He folded and put his clothes away, setting aside what he was going to wear for the day. He grabbed his phone again and checked the time, it was now 7:45.

He quickly got dressed. Once again shoving a black beanie on his head. Finally his (f/c) jacket was clean so he decided to slip it on. He grabbed his phone and made sure he checked that everything was in order before he left. The door bell echoed through the house.

[Name] looked out the peephole, just to make sure it wasn't some creep or something. Luckily it was just Wasabi so the teen unlocked the door and opened it.

"Good morning [Name], you ready to go?" He glanced in the house and looked back at the boy. "Is your dad out?"

"He's getting a job."

"Oh I see." Wasabi chuckled.

[Name] walked out the house, locked the door and got in Wasabi's car. They took the same route as yesterday but the ride was less awkward this time. The ride went by fast, but [Name] was still as captivated by the buildings as he was the day before. Wasabi was amused by his reaction. He parked again and they got our of the car and Wasabi accompanied the teen to his lab. He stopped before they entered and pointed at something.

"[Name], look they added your name to the placard next to the lab!" He grinned.

The boy slid his fingers over the letters engraved into the tag. This officially marked this lab as his, and he couldn't be any happier. He smiled and stood confidently. Wasabi pat his shoulder and turned his head to him.

"I'll let you get back to unpacking. I can introduce you to others later since I planned to have a meeting. As long as you are okay with it." Wasabi scratched his neck.

"Yeah... That sounds nice." [Name] entered his lab, waving to Wasabi as he left, and resumed unpacking his stuff. It was already going faster since he tackled the larger stuff yesterday.

He eventually finished a couple hours later, with time to spare he decided to look around. He walked over to the other occupied desk. It was mostly covered in blueprints, designs, beginnings of projects, and tools. He decided not to touch it as to not mess it up. He then noticed the monitor next to the workspace and poked at the computer mouse. The the screen to flare up. [Name] squinted at the brightness.

Once his eyes had adjusted he saw a picture of two guys. One of them looked awfully familiar to him, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He heard a bit of a commotion outside the lab so he decided to stop snooping around exited the lab. As he walked out Wasabi spooked the boy from behind.


The teen jumped and whipped around, swinging his arm quickly through the air, right in front of Wasabi's face.

"I aM not afraid to hUrt you!" His voice cracked as he almost slapped Wasabi. He quickly put his hand down out of embarrassment. "Oh... uhm.. Hey Wasabi.."

Wasabi bursted our laughing. After catching his breath he waved for [Name] to follow him.

"Come on, Let's go introduce you to the others."

"Why do I love you?" Hiro Hamada X Male Reader [Slow updates]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt