Part 1

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3 years ago in windy snowy sky and beautiful snow fall to the ground, Navaria beaten up and lied down on the ground. She was surrounded by Calista and 10 Revolution Army soldiers with their machine gun pointed to Navaria in case she moved, this was in the Argentina Rainforest. Navaria was terrified because she had lost the battle and seeing many of her Alien Unity soldier lying down on the ground lifelessly behind the Revolution Army. Navaria painfully had to watch this whilst she tried to stand but she couldn't because of her broken left leg and her right arm. Calista saw that and told Navaria, "Your selflessness is your downfall as Alien Unity leader, I used that to lure you out, Navaria". Navaria heard Calista nasty word and she was hurt. Navaria coughing blood as she started to speak and she countered Calista's nasty word with her determined brave warrior response, "Indeed my selflessness as leader might be my weakness, but at least I fought with honor unlike you, set up an ambushed to me when i come out and help the soldier even though you have very powerful power, Calista."

Calista felt insulted with Navaria wise words, she replied Navaria's words in sympathizing tone, "I'm impressed, I rarely saw one of the dangerous criminal in the world like you have a spirit to protect their soldier and uphold the honor." Navaria replied to Calista, "Keep saying that with your emotionless mask, bitch," then Navaria turned her head to left and said to Calista, "Looks like you're not going to finish me today." Then there was a smoke bomb thrown away to Navaria and caused a wide purple smoke which causes The Revolution Army couldn't see Navaria. Calista then turned her eyes mask into bright blue to be able to have better vision into the purple smoke and then she saw Navaria. Suddenly Navaria could stand up normally, and Calista quickly dashed to Navaria direction and armed her right-hand blade to finish her off but she suddenly stopped. She was shocked and her body freezes when she saw Navaria was actually got carried by her General, Thelin to stood up and helped to walk.

The voice inside Calista's head told her, "Teresia, attack now it was a good chance to finish Navaria off with the hand blade." Calista could only stare to both of them helplessly. In that nick of time, Thelin threw an alien grenade in distress which was a grenade that shapes like an egg with purple color and had yellow glowing eyes. The Grenade explodes right into Calista's face and she got thrown away by the Grenade by 100 meters from Thelin and Navaria. Thelin used a teleporter which was Alien snake that appeared from the ground and eats both Navaria and Thelin, to send them into a safe place by circling around its body and turn into purple ash. Then two of the Revolution army come to Calista that was lied down on the ground. The soldier kneels down and asked Calista in worried, "Are you okay Calista?" Luckily the rest of her mask didn't break thoroughly, only the left side of the mask revealing her half burn face because she blocked her right side on the mask with her right arm. Calista woke up from the ground and regenerate the burned face at the same time because of her special ability. Calista burned face become normal again in a matter of second. Calista replied to the soldier, "I'm fine." The Revolution Army soldier was grateful and stood up that Calista was okay. Then seven Revolution Army approached Calista and one of them asked what is the next the order from Calista, "Calista what is the next order since you can stand up now?" Calista then announces to all the 10 Revolution Army soldier, "I ordered you to take any weapon that is available from the base that we have invaded." 10 Revolution Army soldiers replied it with absolute, "Yes Mam."

While the Revolution Army soldier turned around heading to the base behind them, Calista turned around and looked at the snowy sky as wind pass by her. Calista reflecting the mistake she have done. Then she heard the voice in her head asked, "So Navaria really hurt your human feeling?" Calista answered the voice with telepath in a deeper sad tone, "Not really, is just I'm more impressed to see a criminal that is honorable and respect her soldier, and is such a shame that I couldn't finish her injured state even though I have a chance to finish her." The Voice inside Calista head calmed her down, "I know you're shocked to see a criminal that finally respect what honor is right." Calista only replied with very sad tone, "Yes maybe next time if I meet her again, I'm going to face her one on one just like honorable warrior." So the rough snowy wind passed by Calista and Calista just only looked to the midnight snowy sky.

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