Chapter 7: Roman's Talk With Patton

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(A/N) I just want to say sorry for not updating for so long, I've been really busy with school. So I hope you guys can forgive me. Also, thank you guys so much for 300 reads. It means a lot. Anyways, enjoy the story.

Roman's P.O.V.

"Now here's what I want you to do," I waited for Deceit to reply. "Absolutely nothing, " he says, smirking at me. "What? But I thought you said-'' "I said we're taking this very slowly, but if you want to talk to him go right ahead, I have other things to take care of."

(Timeskip to lunch)

I went to look for Patton, no doubt he was probably with Virgil. I saw him sitting with Logan and Virgil. He was cuddled up in his side, god I wish that I was in his place instead of him. I walked over to the table and stood in front of them. "Hey guys," I said very quietly. "Salutations Roman, How has your day been?" said Logan. "It's ok so far, Hey Virgil, quick question. Do you mind if I borrow Patton for a second?" "Uh, sure. Just don't take him for too long cause I can't go very long without him." I wanted to throw up after he said that, what does he even see in him? "Awwww, angel. I love you so much, " he says as he kisses Virgil on the cheek. I grabbed him by the wrist and took him to a small private little place so no one could see us.

Patton's P.O.V

Roman wanted to talk; this isn't going to end well. I knew he liked Virgil, but I did too. I feel bad, but I've known Virgil the longest, and he makes me happy. I look up at Roman, "So, what did you want to talk about," I say, acting clueless to what's going on. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! How could you do this to me? You know how much I adore Virgil, and you just come in and take him away from me! You don't deserve him, I do." "Look, Roman, I know how you felt about him it's just that I've felt the same one about him, even longer than you. I'm really sorry. So please, can you please forgive me and go back to the way things were?" "If things were to go back to normal, Virgil and I would be together, not you and him! I got scared, Roman is never this angry with me. Suddenly I feel something grab me really hard by my neck. "R-rom-an you-'re h-hurting me", I could barely speak, I could feel tears coming down my face. "Good, I want you to remember this moment for the rest of your life and remember that Virgil belongs to-" "ROMAN ENOUGH" Roman drops me to the ground as I try to catch my breath again. I see Virgil run towards me and holds me in his arms. "Are you ok Patton?" "I'm fine Virgil." "I'm so sorry Patton, I don't know what came over me, I-" "No. You don't ever get to see us again. Understand?" Roman nodded his head. "Good." Virgil picked me up and took me home, where no one could hurt us.

Roman's P.O.V

"Roman, what the fuck have you done? YOU NEARLY KILLED PATTON!!! "I know, god I screw everything up," I started to cry why did I do such a horrible thing? What have I done? "Whatever's going on you need to figure it out, I need to go make sure Patton is ok. Goodbye Roman," Logan said as he walked away and left me alone. I sat there crying, how could I be so stupid? I suddenly heard laughing and a voice said, "Oh sweetie, jealousy really does get the best of you, " I see Deceit. " What are you doing here? I thought you had things to take care of?" He's the last person I wanted to talk to. "Well, I heard you crying and thought I'd come check up on you. Look Roman; you need to not let jealousy get the best of you. It won't help us carry out the plan." "Fuck the plan; I nearly killed Patton." "A minor setback." "A minor setback. I NEARLY KILLED HIM! I'M NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE, " I try to walk away but he stops me. "Listen, do you still want Virgil?" "What?" "You heard me, do you still love him or not?" "Yes." "Yes, what?" "Yes, I still love Virgil." "Good boy, now continue with the plan and you will get your reward. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, sir." "Good. Now I have business to attend to. We will meet again soon."

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