《Chapter 15》

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-jisung pov -
"What did felix say?" Nath ask " uhm nothing it's just that you really need to hide right now " I reason and pull her to the bunker felix is talking about " stay here ok and dont open the door to anyone " i warn her and she nod " stay safe jisung-ah" she hug me " I will ok stay here " I said and run to the garage

The rest have already went their way, I grab a gun and ride my motorcycle to bts base

Once there I saw everyone parked outside 2 m from the actual walls of the base

I stealthily run and jump through the fence entering through the main door, there is saw everyone pointing guns at everyone

" look whose late to the party " jungkook chuckle " jisung why are you here " felix ask furious " I'm not sitting out an opportunity to kill a member of the gang who killed minho " I smirk and aim at jungkook

" too bad if I shot you firs-" I cut jungkook off by shooting him and the shooting start, i made sure i shoot jungkook a couple more times but unfortunately i also got shot in the process

A wound in my shoulder and my thighs also one near my heart

My head start spinning around but I saw a guy pointing his gun and was ready to shot felix, I am not letting another member die

I jump infront of felix and took the shot "HYUNG" felix shout and he start shooting like a mad man

Once he kill around 5 people he carry me somewhere more calmer " hyung stay with me" felix said and trying his best to hold down my bleeding " felix I won't make it, please take good care of nathasya for me, and dont be guilty of my death, I love you as a brother and would sacrifice my life for you so dont blame yourself " I manage to smile, while felix was crying

"And give this to her " i said and point at my necklace "hyun you are not gonna die " felix shout " it hurts so damn bad and I feel my eyes are getting heavy, please take care of her for me and tell her I love her " was my last word before closing my eyes

-hyunjin pov-
"Hyung Jisung hyung is down " jeongin shout and point at jisung's lifeless body on the floor, pool of blood around him along with a crying felix

We have lost han jisung , how am I going to break the news to Nath

I focus on yoongi as the last target, managing to hit is leg and now he is being shield by 20 of his men who are being shot one by one

Soon we manage to kill at least 80% of their members and the remaining are either on the run or unconscious

Finally we manage to clear bangtan but lost jisung in the process

"Hyung I'll bring him back to base " I volunteer myself and carry jisung's lifeless body

We all ride the car back and seungmin took jisung's motorcycle " I cant believe me lost another one " chan mumble

Everyone broke down crying, losing two members who are closer than your own family is very depressing

We soon arrive , I put jisung hyung's body in the medic room, being treated and clean ready for his funeral

-felix pov-
Losing jisung was hard for me, he was like my twin brother but I know someone who will be hurt even more

I ran to the bunker, that I told jisung to stay at but he still didn't listen to me , I open it and saw Nath was inside

She saw me and my puffy eyes " hey felix why are your eyes red?" She ask " jisung died " I whisper loud enough for her to hear " what?!" She cover her mouth and squat down crying

I squat down and hug her " shhhhh it's ok don't cry " I pats her back soothingly

After a few minutes she finally come down " where is his body?" She ask " follow me " I said and lead her to the medic room

He ran and hug his body which was already clean " jisung-ah I love you , I haven't told you that " she cry and hug his body

As much as this breaks my heard jisung deserve her as much as she deserve him

-nath pov-
A few days past and today is jisung's funeral, I have been crying nonstop for the past days

Everyone said their last words to him and now it was my turn

Istep ccloser to his coffin " jisung-ah I love you so much , rest in peace, I will miss you" I said and place a flower on his coffin

They then lower down his coffin and buried it

Tomorrow will be the last chapter ♡♡

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