Chapter 20-Wrath

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You know that feeling where you feel intense electricity course through into your very being and multicolored fireworks flash before your eyes as you crave more and more from the person who just placed their lips on yours?

Well I felt nothing like that when his lips crashed on to mine. In fact I felt nothing at all.

They were soft and plump, they looked nice on his face- but there were no cliché sparks or good sexual tension of any kind. There was nothing that screamed out at me to kiss him back.

So I stayed there awkwardly in his thick arms until he pulled away and I set myself down onto the dirty school floor.

"Why did you - "

"I wanted to see if I'd still feel something" he replied lowly, his gaze shifting to the floor beneath our feet.

What did he mean still? The only time he even remotely showed a romantic interest in me was when we were having dinner at my house and he said I was playing 'hard to get' as his lips assaulted my neck and I left him with a bloody nose wishing my mom had let my brother and father barbeque. How long did that take him exactly?

Now when we just got back to friends- or more like talkative acquaintances- he kisses me and has the nerve to give me that lame reason of 'to see if I still feel something?, what the hell? I swear I'll never understand the male population of this planet

"Explain" I growled lowly, pissed off of the fact that I'd somehow let him kiss me twice . That he was my first kiss and now- my most recent.

Fucking Dallas was my first kiss and I was his.

Looking back, It was a really stupid decision .We were only 10 for Pete's sake. We weren't in our right of that I think about it I believe that it was my idea in the first place.

It was the end of fifth grade, we both had Mrs. Roberts one of the nicest teachers in the school - thank the lord for that.

It was also one of the clichést of placest to kiss which probably made it worse yet adorable at the same time as much as I hate to admit.

It was in those tunnels that were on the play set. You know where you can go from one side to the other? It was there - at least it wasn't under the slide.

I wanted it to be different - more special than their's .

Actually I blame Alison Jacobs for rushing my first kiss, she accidently blurted out that I hadn't had my first kiss yet during Lunch. If you hadn't kissed anyone yet you were considered lame at the school and well that's how the teasing and taunting started.

Alison already had her first kiss as well as the first kisses of half the guys in our grade- which didn't get her teased . She was known as easy but didn't give a fuck . I mean she had to to not care about others opinions to hang out with me. We stuck together like a bee to a hive.

Its a shame she moved to Alabama with her grandma when her mom died . She was never the same , I still get the occasional Christmases card though .

Anyhow , a week after its slipped I got tired of it so to end the name calling, I dragged Cammy into the tunnel, cupped both sides of his face and went for it.

Needless to say that it wasn't the best kiss the world has ever seen but it wasn't a wet sloppy one and I did kind of force him to do it so I cant complain.

Cammy on the other hand was confused by the gesture but never brought it up. He must have felt as embarrassed as I did.

Was the kiss supposed to mean something to me and him like actually mean something more than wanting to have a first kiss? Was it revenge for when I randomly kissed him years ago? What was that awkward kiss for?

"You won't understand Sid " Cameron sighed , running his large palm through his chocolaty locks of hair .

"Then help me to" I said, my tone matching his as I reached out slowly and pressed the tip of my cold fingers against his warm upper arm.

All I want is to understand his strange mind. When he left, when he came back, and I defiantly wanted to understand him when he pressed his stupidly pink lips against my own. We were now teens, there is no reason to prove that you have your first kiss already.

"You'll be mad, you'll yell at me if I tell you" he whispered pulling his arm away and taking a step back

"I promise I won't" I took a step closer to him and we continued this game of him moving one step back and me moving one step forward . It was a dance of sorts, my moves mirroring his until we both stopped when he got cornered against the wall .

"Okay but let's go outside. That way if you yell at me you can be as loud as you like and also I have a more likely chance of escaping your wrath"

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