Part 3: NakaYama

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Pairing: Nakajima Yuto & Yamada Ryosuke (Nakayama) (whateveryouwannacall)
Author: Syippa

*In HSJ resting room, only Yamada & Nakajima at the resting room*

Yamada: 。。i heard shouting.. So i decided to help her..('・Д・)」

Nakajima: how did she looks like?('・_・')

Yamada: i didn't get to see her face because she was in a hurry but something is weird *touching his chin* (。-_-。)

Nakajima: What?(O_O)

Yamada: nothing...i was just wondering how she got trapped in the room.. And after she thanked me... for helping her .. I believe i heard she said.. Hika-papa?('・Д・)」

Nakajima: Hi..Hika-papa? Hikaru? Yaotome Hikaru? Our Hikaru?!!

Yamada: i think so..ヽ('o`;

Nakajima: Woah~!! Hikaru has a daughter!! *bouncing on the sofa*
But did Keito know about this? (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

*suddenly a head pokes at the door*

Pippa: Sumimasen, ano.. Can i hide in here? Becau-....ε-('∀`; )

Syippa: READY OR NOT , HERE I COME!(^ー^)ノ

Pippa: Damn! Ano..gomen.. don't tell anyone that I'm here or you can pretend that you never see me.. (>人<;) *runs into a closet and sneaked in .. Accidentally locked in without her notice*

YamaJima: 。。。*awkward silence, only bird chirping could be heard*

*another girl entered the room*

Syippa: Sumimasen~ .. Ah ano.. EH?! Yamachan~!! Its been forever!!

*hugs Yamachan then shakes his hand nonstop, until she reached his biceps*

Syippa: Woah!! You've grown a muscle! You're a man now..(^∇^)

Yamada: *shaking & nodding* um yeaah... Do i know you?(^ー゜)

Nakajima: *smokes coming out from his body and his face turning red*

*meanwhile inside the closet*

Pippa: teehee.. I bet she couldn't find me..huuh its too hot in here.(≧∇≦)
*founds another door inside the closet*
eh a door?( ゚д゚)
*opens the door and sneaked in ..then closes the door*
waah its so cool~( ' ▽ ' )ノ
*turns around and found Kikuchi Fuma kissing his biceps* (゚O゚)

Fuma: *stares*!(◎_◎;)

Pippa: uh..i .. i.. Think i need to go back now *goes back in the door and closes the door tightly* the heck did i just see? *blushing*(*_*)

*back in the HSJ resting room*

-yamada: um yeaah... Do i know you?(^ー゜)

Syippa: actually no *stops shaking Yamada's hands* , anyway did you see a girl came here? I saw her came into this room..(⌒-⌒; )

Nakajima: actually yes, .. AH! i mean no!(^_^)

NakaYama: *gulps and looked at the closet*

Syippa: is there something you're hiding from me? *goes near the closet*(・・?)

Nakajima: *shook head in a 'no' way*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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