thirteen: broken little pieces two

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broken little pieces two 


She wrapped her arm around herself, her fingers digging in her own shivering flesh, she dragged it to her chest until red swollen lines were created. She was breathing heavy, crying miserably. It hurts, everything hurts. Why must she suffer this inexplicable pain? Where did she go wrong? Where did it all started? Why her? "Joongki..." she almost choked, guilt enveloped her body. All she had ever wish for was to be happy, for Sanghyun to get better, the two of them to finish their studies, have a peaceful life and... get married. She wanted to marry him, live a happily ever after with him. Yet, as soon as her brother let go of the last sliver of life, everything shattered, broken pieces scattered everywhere and now she was left at lost on where to begin picking those pieces up, where to start fixing everything.

Dara pushed herself up the moment she heard the door slid open. "Joongki?" She was full of hope. This time she will make things right. She will straightened everything. Silence answered her, only the heavy thuds of his every footstep echoed in the dark house. She stood up and wiped her tears, her heart somehow pounded too anxious against her chest. There was something wrong. She took careful steps to the door, her heart slamming hard against her chest. With trembling hands she grabbed the knob of the door and pull it open.

She immediately took few steps backward as he came in her view, tall and hovering, thick and stony muscles covering his every part. Her insides hollowed at the grim smirk on his lips. "W-who are y-you?" She couldn't understand herself at the stutter of her every word, at the crazy pounding of her heart and the fuzziness taking over her head. "Huh?" There was mocking in his tone as he walked his way inside the room. Dara quickly took steps backwards until her feet got tangled and she fell, her butt slamming hard on the wooden floor. He looked down at her, amused at her fragility. The scent of her fear brought a sense of superiority in her. He never told him that she was this beautiful, making his job easy, fun and worth it. "S-stay away from me..." her voice was so small, her throat was betraying her.

Her fist clenched as she pushed her way up and tried running away from him but he, without as much as sweating, captured her thin arms throwing her against the wall. Dara gasped, whimpering at the ferocious impact that shook her flesh as she slid weakly on the floor. Walking casually at her, he crouched down, fingers tracing her lower lip up until in the middle of her peaking cleavage. He gently removed her coat off her, as Dara's head moved left and right, she was still dizzy and weak at the impact. "Stop... s-stop... don't touch me." But he didn't listen as he ripped her coat off her, until she was only in her laced long sleeved white dress. Leaning down, he nuzzled the crook of her neck. Dara pressed her palms over his chest, pushing him away with her last strength. The moment his lips started lapping her skin, it was as if she was poured with ice cold bucket of water. Her eyes widened, fear and panic rushed in her every vein. "Stop! Get off me!" She yelped. The guy pressed his huge palm over her mouth suppressing her shouts and cries. Her tears streamed down her cheeks as she thrashed underneath him. No. No. No.

His other palm soon glided from her knee to her inner thigh. Dara moved wild and rough until she was able to knock him off her for some miraculous reason, perhaps her adrenalin was boiling in panic. She quickly stood up, running away only he caught her ankle making her fall forward, body slamming hard against the floor. He pulled her as Dara struggled, her nails screeching against the floor. "Let go of me!" She brawled as he flipped her facing him. He grabbed her collar, ripping her clothes in half, revealing her on her tight beige bra. He gripped her skirt and ripped it. The ripping sound, his dirty words brought fresh set of gnawing fear inside her. She thrashed. She can't just let him do this to her. No. Help. Somebody help her.

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